Wassim Clairvoyant's recent posts to
Self healing with angels 24
11/04/2013 Duration: 02minChange the soul and not only the mind. It is all in the soul, it is not in the mind.
Self healing with angels 23
11/04/2013 Duration: 02minAll in the mind, or stress factor. It is all an interaction of the soul with the body.
Self healing with angels 22
11/04/2013 Duration: 02minWhat causes health problems. How many factors can contribute to common cold.
Self healing with angels 21
09/04/2013 Duration: 02minAnswering your questions about how to use this healing technique for specific health problems.
Self-Healing with angels 20
07/04/2013 Duration: 02minYour responsibilities? The main point is that without your cooperation, nobody can heal you. You have got certain responsibilities and you get help from angels, people, and so on. Without taking the responsibility to heal yourself, there is little anyone can do for you. Don’t expect a magical healing, but one day you will experience a magical healing if you are willing to make the necessary changes in your life. For example, lately I have been feeling excessively tiered the whole day. I did a self healing with the angels, but nothing interesting happened during the healing. Then, I had a dream that I am visiting a doctor, and he is telling me to abstain from caffeine and sugar. I wake up that day feeling amazed because the dream was so real. From that day, I didn't drink any caffeine and had almost no more sugar in my diet. And, from that day, I am not feeling tiered any longer.
Self-Healing with angels 19
07/04/2013 Duration: 02minThe Healing Journey Healing is not something you get in a healing session of half an hour. It is rather a process that you go through all your life. When you try the Self-Healing Technique to heal a certain disease, there is no guarantee that you would be totally free of that disease right away. Sometimes it happened that you ask to heal my knee pain, for example, and you have no more pain right after the session. However, healing is not always that straightforward. You might be wearing a bad pair of shoes without noticing that. How can the healing be complete if you don't change your shoes? Most of the times, the angels set a program for you to heal what you ask for. They would make you notice that your shoes are bad at a certain point, without telling you that directly. Now, the choice is yours – either to keep wearing the shoes, or to buy another pair.
Self-Healing with angels 18
07/04/2013 Duration: 02minNot able to sleep anymore? There is a simple way to make this process easier, slower, but more effective. Ask your angels every time you go to bed to stop downloading any information on your brain every time you feel not ready for a new message yet. It might take you few nights to get back to your normal sleep cycle. Once, you feel your brain had enough rest and ready to struggle with the instructions you receive from your angels, you can start asking your angels to give you the answer of any question you like, before you go to bed. Guess what! You will be surprised to dream about something that gives you the answer to your specific question in a very metaphoric way... it is beautiful, but then you might have less sleep than before, until your body get used to the new consciousness. It might take up to 6 months. Enjoy the journey!
Self-Healing with angels 17
07/04/2013 Duration: 02minAfter the first healing session... Whatever happened during the first healing, you can be sure that you have started a new page in your soul progress. This is good news, but don't think it is going to be easy. Your consciousness is now ready to start receiving messages from your angels. They wake you up once they show you the message in your dream so that you can remember it. This can get a bit too much for your brain which is not yet used to these messages, especially at the beginning. Your brain might get overloaded, and you would not understand much of what the message is.
Self-Healing with angels 16
07/04/2013 Duration: 02minDreams and angels Once you do this technique, you might get downloads on your brain every night during REM-sleep. It might wake you up around 3-4 am every day. REM-sleep is when you dream. So, you might start having unusual dreams and you feel as if someone is teaching you during the night, especially if you have a dream that you are at school, and your teacher is telling you something - Your teacher in the dream is one of your angels. They normally appear in human form.
Self-Healing with angels 15
07/04/2013 Duration: 02minHow often can I do self- healing? You can do it only once - for a specific thing you want to heal - and let your angel take care of the rest of your journey at night, or you can do it whenever you have pain, sickness, feeling depressed, feeling tiered, want to relax, and so on. It is up to you which way you chose. I do it every day for about half an hour, and I enjoy it.
Self-Healing with angels 14
07/04/2013 Duration: 02minHealing many things? You can ask to heal many things at the same time, but if they are huge things I prefer to ask separately. Normally, I see only one angel working at a time. But I have tried it few times to ask more than one angel to work on me, and it really works. For example, I can ask one angel to heal my headache, another angel to heal my back pain, and a third one to help me relax and sleep. But, I prefer that you start with one angel because I am not sure how much energy your body can afford. If the energy is too much for your body, you might get stitches and feel like acupuncture needles penetrating your skin. Ask them to slow down if it gets too uncomfortable.
Self-Healing with angels 13
07/04/2013 Duration: 02minDo you see pictures? Not everyone can feel the angels. However, if you are following the steps in this technique, I guarantee that the angels are working on you. Some people don't feel anything, but they see fast racing pictures in their minds, or hear some music in their head. If you experience that, then it is a sign that the angels are downloading the "program" onto your brain that will put you on track to heal what you asked for.
Self-Healing with angels 12
07/04/2013 Duration: 02minIntention or words? The moment you intend to invite the angels and the moment you start saying:” I invite my angels to heal ...” you would feel some energy touching your body. This is a variable feeling - some people find it like tingling, other people find it like warmth. During the healing you might feel the angels working where you asked them to. Or, you might need a while to feel them. The more you practice, the more you would feel them.
Self-Healing with angels 11
07/04/2013 Duration: 02minWhat to ask for? You can ask your angels to heal any specific thing in - your body, your emotions, or your life - For example; you can ask them to heal your headache, your broken arm, your broken heart, or to make you rich. Be specific in what you ask. Ask to heal a problem. Don't say for example:” make me happy", "make my health perfect", or "solve all my problems". They would not be able to help you at all if you say that because you are running away from your responsibilities.
Self-Healing with angels 10
06/04/2013 Duration: 02minRelax, relax, relax,... It is important to relax before you invite the Angels to work on you. The more you relax the more effective the healing would be. Here are some relaxation tips you can use: Lie down on a flat firm surface on your back. Close your eyes and breathe through your nose. The breathing should come from your belly. Notice the feeling and how it differs from chest breathing. Consciously breathe through your nose, keeping your mouth closed. Feel the rising and falling of your belly. When you become used to breathing into your diaphragm, bring your attention to the flow of your breath. Just notice the flow. Is it smooth or jerky? Smooth it out; make it flow gently and smoothly. Do not rush your breath. Be gentle. Let if flow and you will discover a rhythm to the breath. Check every part of your body and see if the muscles are still tense in any way. Keep relaxing the muscles until you feel that your body is floating.
Self-Healing with angels 9
06/04/2013 Duration: 02minStaying still The whole healing is based on this contract between you and your angels, that you accept to stay totally still while they work on you. If you don’t stay still, then it is as if you are saying to your angels that you don’t want to take this healing seriously. They might continue working on you, but you would definitely not get the full power of what they can offer you. Or, they might stop working at you because they cannot. I give you an example. When you go to the doctor, he can ask you to stay still when he works on your body. They angels cannot do that because you are not likely to hear them. That’s why you need someone like me to give you a technique to follow in order to get a good healing from your angels.
Self-Healing with angels 8
06/04/2013 Duration: 02minHealing is not always instantaneous, it might take time and a lot of work from you.
Self-Healing with angels 7
06/04/2013 Duration: 02minThey work in the following way: 1- They start by building the energy field of your hands using the chakras of your palms. You might feel some tingling or warmth in your hands while they are doing that. 2- Few minutes later, when the energy field is big enough to cover the area of the body they need to work on, they start sending fine radiations like laser beams to target specific cells of your body. The chosen cells they target are related to the specific problem you ask them to heal. This can be very similar to acupuncture – when the therapist chooses a set of acupuncture points to manipulate with the needles. Any mistake done by the therapist, in the choice of acupuncture points or in the insertion of needles, can be harmful to the patient. That’s why it is imperative in this technique to stay still. Moving the hands can also disrupt the whole energy field they have built around your body, and they end up working less and less on you if you don’t respect this rule of staying still. 3- Few mi
Self-Healing with angels 6
06/04/2013 Duration: 02minHow do Angels Work on you using this Healing Technique? The first thing I want to point at is that the angels can work in different ways depending on the technique you are using to access their services.