Wassim Clairvoyant's recent posts to
Self-Healing with angels 5
06/04/2013 Duration: 02minHow to communicate with Angels? Angels appear in various, often subtle ways. Some people see images, flakes of light, colours, shadows, or shapes. Some people hear voices. Some people notice a certain taste or smell. Over time, you learn that these are the signs that tell you your angels are present. People often expect angels to speak to them in ordinary dialogue. Although angels can do that, they often communicate with us in bits of perceptions and thoughts. We then have to put the bits together in a way that makes sense for what is happening in our lives. It is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Most often, the communication takes place at night. The dream state is a time when we put our issues away. This allows the angels, the spirit of loved one, and other spiritual beings to connect with us during that time.
Self-Healing with angels 4
06/04/2013 Duration: 02minHow can you see your Angels? When you start connecting with the angels, the first things you might see are faint colours that move around in slow motions like an aura. You would be able to see them even when your eyes are closed. You would understand that they are not out there but rather only in your perception, and you would not be able to see them whenever you want. Your mind vibrations must be in the alpha or theta range for you to be able to see them. You might see the colours red, green, dark blue, magenta, and violet. A white colour might
Self-Healing with angels 3
06/04/2013 Duration: 02minDo you have to believe in Angels for this healing to be effective? The only difference between believing in angels and not believing is related to our feeling of safety. Connecting to angels on a conscious level would make life much easier for us, especially because we feel safer, and when everything goes wrong, we know that there is a solution, and that a lot of angels are helping us in our journey. After all we feel better because we are not left alone in the dessert of life.
Self-Healing with Angels 2
06/04/2013 Duration: 02minWho are the Angels? Guardian angels are messengers from God to mankind. Sometimes the messages are warnings of danger, sometimes instructions as to what to do in a particular situation, sometimes they are there to protect us. Since we come to this life to achieve certain things to grow as souls, we have a certain need for guidance. We need this guidance so that we don't go astray too much. Of course, it is our freedom to go in the direction we want, but the angels are there for us to prevent too much unnecessary suffering. There are major accidents, events, health problems, and challenges that we are supposed to face in this life, and they are part of our soul plan that we have accepted. However, not everything we suffer is part of our life plan. Everyone is protected by angels, whether he believes in angels or not.
Self-Healing with Angels 1
06/04/2013 Duration: 02minHere is a simple explanation of a self healing technique that you can use right now. Specify how long you want the healing to be for - for example, 10 min. 1 - Lie down on your back and relax for few minutes. 2 - Say out clearly:" I invite my angels to heal…", and specify exactly what you want them to heal. 3 - Stay completely still for the whole duration of the healing - 10 min. Did you feel some tingling, warmth, sleepy, or itching during the healing? These are the angels.