Republic Forces Radio Network -- A Star Wars Clone Wars Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 796:46:28
  • More information



Bringing you frontline, weekly coverage of the new Star Wars Clone Wars adventures.


  • Season 6 - Episodes 10, 11, 12 & 13: The Lost One, Voices, Destiny, & Sacrifice

    24/06/2014 Duration: 120h22min

    The Republic Forces Radio Network Crew finishes up their reviews of the Netflix exclusive season six of the Clone Wars. This final arc brings addresses the mystery of Sifo-Dyas, who we initially learned about in Attack of the Clones, as well as the secret of immortality and force ghosts. Listen as Johnathan, Nathan, Jen, Berent, Dan and newcomer Mark review the final four episodes of the "Lost Missions"; The Lost One, Voices, Destiny, and Sacrifice. And at the end of the episode learn what is next for the hosts!

  • Season 6 - Episodes 8 & 9: The Disappeared Part 1 and 2

    29/05/2014 Duration: 01h03min

    The Republic Forces Radio Network Crew continues to review the Netflix exclusive season six of the Clone Wars. This arc brings back the our old friend Jar Jar Binks. Love him or hate him, Jar Jar is teamed up with Mace Windu to save a planet of force sensitive aliens from an ancient prophecy. Will he come through in the end? Is this episode the best use of Jar Jar that we have seen? Listen as Johnathan, Nathan, Jen, and Jerry review the next two episodes of the "Lost Missions"; The Disappeared Parts 1 and 2.

  • Season 6, Episodes 5, 6 and 7: An Old Friend, The Rise of Clovis, and Crisis at the Heart

    15/05/2014 Duration: 01h13min

    The Republic Forces Radio Network Crew continues to review the Netflix exclusive season six of the Clone Wars. This arc brings back the character of Clovis from all the way back in season 2! Were our hosts happy to see him? Is this political intrigue series of episodes "Star Wars" enough for the group? Are Anakin and Padme going to be able to heal their relationship? Listen as Johnathan, Nathan, Berent, and Jerry review the next three episodes of the Netflix exclusive "Lost Missions"; An Old Friend, The Rise of Clovis, and Crisis at the Heart.

  • Season 6, Episodes 1, 2, 3 and 4: The Unknown, Conspiracy, The Fugitive, and Orders

    21/04/2014 Duration: 01h17min

    The Republic Forces Radio Network Crew comes back together to review the Netflix exclusive season six of the Clone Wars. The first arc deals with Order 66 and how the clones have been prepared to become Palpatine's instrument to wipe out the Jedi. Does it answer all our questions? Does it fit with what we know, or thought we knew? Will Jen get her Clone fix? Listen as Johnathan, Nathan, Berent, Jerry, and Jen review the first four episodes of the "Lost Missions" The Unknown, Conspiracy, The Fugitive, and Orders.

  • The Clone Wars The Movie

    20/11/2013 Duration: 146h02min

    The Republic Forces Radio Network crew comes back together to revisit how it all began with a review of the Clone Wars movie from 2008. After five seasons how will Johnathan, Jen, Berent, and Nathan feel the film stands up? What's next in store for the group? Tune into out capstone episode and find out!

  • Ewoks Season 2 Episodes 20, 21, and 22: Battle for the Sunstar, Party Ewok, and Malani the Warrior

    12/09/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    This week the Republic Forces Radio Network team completes their look back at the classic Ewoks animated series with the last three stories; Battle for the Sunstar, Party Ewok, and Malani the Warrior. For the last class of summer school Johnathan, Jerry, Nathan, and Berent discuss the Empire's arrival at Endor, the power of Latara's tush, how Ewoks deal with unrequited love, and whether or not Star Wars fans should add Ewoks into their viewing rotation.

  • Ewoks Season 2 Episodes 16, 17, 18, and 19: Horville's Hut of Horrors, The Tragic Flute, Just My Luck, and Bringing Up Norky

    03/09/2013 Duration: 40min

    This week the Republic Forces Radio Network hosts review the next for stories from season two of the classic Ewoks animated series. Berent, Jerry, Johnathan, and Nathan discuss Horville's Hut of Horrors, The Tragic Flute, Just My Luck, and Bringing Up Norky and learn all about what not to do when babysitting Woklings, why lying to an Elbow could be hazardous to your freedom, how young Ewoks decide their career paths, and whether or not Latara has a tramp stamp. All this and more in the second to last episode in our Ewoks retrospective series.

  • Ewoks Season 2 Episodes 13, 14, and 15: The Season Scepter, Prow Beaten, and Baga's Rival

    29/08/2013 Duration: 30min

    As Republic Forces Radio Network continues summer school reviewing the classic Ewoks animated series Johnathan, Nathan, Berent, and Jerry discuss episodes 13, 14, and 15 of season 2; The Season Scepter, Prow Beaten, and Baga's Rival. Will Johnathan be able to make it through another episode summary involving the Leaf Queen? Has Berent found another character in Ewoks to drool over? Can Nathan defend what one of the hosts calls the worst episode ever? And is Jerry able to make it an entire episode without bringing up the Chipmunks? Tune in and find out!

  • Ewoks Season 2: Episodes 9, 10, 11, and 12: Gone With the Mimphs, The First Apprentice, Hard Sell, and A Warrior and a Lurdo

    22/08/2013 Duration: 34min

    The Republic Forces Radio Network hosts continue slogging through season two of the classic Ewoks animated series and the experience seems to be taking it's toll. Jerry admits to hearing voices and Berent may need an intervention regarding his obsession with Latara. This week the group discusses Gone With the Mimphs, The First Apprentice, Hard Sell, and A Warrior and a Lurdo.

  • Ewoks Season 2: Episodes 6, 7 and 8: The Totem Master, A Gift for Shodu, and Night of the Stranger

    15/08/2013 Duration: 40min

    The Republic Forces Radio Network hosts continue their exploration of the forest moon of Endor with the next three episodes of season two of the classic Ewoks animated series; The Totem Master, A Gift for Shodu, and Night of the Stranger. Berent, Jerry, Johnathan, and Nathan discover why you should never accept totem poles from strangers, what makes a good Ewok birthday present, and why it is so very important to make sure you spin your Sunstar in the right direction!

  • Ewoks Season 2: Episodes 3, 4, and 5: Home is Where The Shrieks Are, Princess Latara, and The Raich

    08/08/2013 Duration: 39min

    This week on Republic Forces Radio Network, Wicket and Teebo run away from home, Latara becomes a princess and shows her true colors, and we learn that Ewoks may be the least tasty of the Endor forest creatures. Johnathan, Jerry, Nathan, and Berent review episodes 3, 4, and 5 of season two; Home Is Where The Shrieks Are, Princess Latara, and The Raich, and discuss what needs to be done with Latara, why the young Ewoks insist on bullying each other, and discover Jerry's "other" animated interests.

  • Ewoks Season 2: Episodes 1 and 2 - The Crystal Cloak and The Wish Plant

    01/08/2013 Duration: 41min

    The Republic Forces Radio Network crew begins the next session of summer school with the first two episodes from season two of the classic Ewoks Animated Series. Nathan, Johnathan, Jerry, and Berent suffer from whiplash as they wonder what happened to Wicket, Teebo, Latara and Kneesa and why the powers that be sucked the soul out of the series. Are the Ewoks passing through adolescence? Was there head trauma? Listen as the team reviews The Crystal Cloak and The Wish Plant, and make sure you stay for the outtakes!

  • Ewoks Season 1 Episodes 11, 12, and 13: The Three Lessons, Blue Harvest, and Asha

    25/07/2013 Duration: 43min

    Session one of Republic Forces Radio Networks summer school is ending with the final episodes of Ewoks season one. Listen as Johnathan, Jerry, Nathan, and Berent discuss The Three Lessons, Blue Harvest, and Asha and learn all about Ewok suffrage, how Logray may have created a rage virus, and whether or not the Ewoks animated series should be recommended viewing for all Star Wars fans.

  • Ewoks Season 1 Episodes 9 and 10: Sunstar vs Shadowstone and Wicket's Wagon

    18/07/2013 Duration: 35min

    In this episode of Republic Forces Radio Network, Jerry, Nathan, Berent, and Johnathan discover that Logray wasn't always a crusty old wizard and that Wicket comes from a long line of Ewok engineers? The long awaited backstory of the Ewok Shaman and Morag the Tunga Witch is recounted in Sunstar vs Shadowstone and we learn about the great Ewok and Dulock war in Wicket's Wagon!

  • Ewoks Season 1 Episodes 7 and 8: The Curse of the Jindas and The Land of the Gupins

    12/07/2013 Duration: 39min

    In this weeks episode in our Ewoks Retrospective Series, the Republic Forces Radio Network explorers continue their research on some of the species that reside of the forest moon of Endor. Johnathan, Jerry, Nathan, and Berent discuss new information learned about the Jindas and the Gupins, why is so Important not to upset a Rock Lord, and how commerce on Endor works. Tune in and hear the reviews of The Curse of the Jindas, and The Land of the Gupins.

  • Ewoks Season 1 Episodes 5 and 6: The Traveling Jindas and The Tree of Light

    04/07/2013 Duration: 41min

    Republic Forces Radio Network continues with summer school this week as they review episodes 5 and 6 of the classic Ewoks animated series. Johnathan, Jerry, Berent, and Nathan discuss the Traveling Jindas and The Tree of Light and learn all about tree goats, the many uses of Ewok dander, questionable Endor parenting strategies, and why Latara may want to be wary of one of the RFRN crew.

  • Ewoks Season 1 Episodes 3 and 4: Rampage of the Phlogs and To Save Deej

    27/06/2013 Duration: 31min

    Republic Forces Radio Network continues the summer series with episodes 3 and 4 of season one of the Ewoks animated series. Berent, Jerry, Johnathan, and Nathan learn that the forest moon of Endor is not a safe place to be with all the Phlogs and Dandelion warriors wandering around, and our hosts discuss that it might be better not to think about Return of the Jedi when watching.

  • Ewoks Season 1 Episodes 1 and 2: The Cries of the Trees and The Haunted Village

    20/06/2013 Duration: 01h05min

    Republic Forces Radio Network begins its summer series as we wait for the bonus clone wars content to be released. This year summer school is the Ewoks animated series that was aired between 1985-1986. Johnathan, Berent, Nathan, and Jerry discuss how this series fits into the greater Expanded Universe, if the Ewoks is actually Star Wars, and whether or not they can make it through the whole series.

  • Season 5 Wrap-Up

    17/04/2013 Duration: 37min

    With season five of the Clone Wars coming to a close join Jen, Jerry, Johnathan, and Nathan as they discuss what some feel was the strongest season of the entire series. They review the highs, the lows, and the missed opportunities of the final season.

  • The Clone Wars -- The End

    29/03/2013 Duration: 01h06min

    The majority of the Republic Forces Radio Network team comes discusses the cancellation of the Clone Wars Animated Series after 5 years. Join Johnathan, Jen, Arnie, Jerry, Berent and Nathan as the share their feelings about the announcement, their general impressions of how the news came out and what they hope to see in the future. the fate of Republic Forces Radio Network is also revealed. Even though the series has ended, the group has some exciting plans.

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