Bringing you frontline, weekly coverage of the new Star Wars Clone Wars adventures.
Season 3 Episode 20: Citadel Rescue
16/03/2011 Duration: 01h25minDan, Jen, Nathan, and Jerry discuss the conclusion to the Citadel trilogy. Who makes it and who is left wrapped in a cloth and floating on a river of molten sulfur? And we listen to your voicemails as we edge ever closer to the season finale!
Season 3 Episode 19: Counter Attack
10/03/2011 Duration: 01h33minDan, Jen, Berent, and Nathan discuss part 2 of the Citadel trilogy. Our heroes are trying to escape the Citadel however with each passing moment there are fewer and fewer people left to save...
Season 3 Episode 18 Part 2
03/03/2011 Duration: 57minWe listen to your voicemails about The Citadel and Ghosts of Mortis. Also Berent and his son, Pharaoh, review the new MMO The Clone Wars Adventures.
Season 3 Episode 18: The Citadel
27/02/2011 Duration: 01h17minThis week we wake up from the dream (or was it?!) for a great action packed episode! Dan, Jen, Berent, and Nathan discuss this weeks episode, Master Piel and Captain Tarkin in Part 1 of this weeks discussion!
Season 3 Episode 17: Ghosts of Mortis
17/02/2011 Duration: 01h09minIn his attempts to draw the Chosen One to the dark side, The Son shows Anakin what he will do and become in his future. Causing the Father to take some rather drastic action.
Season 3 Episode 16: Alter of Mortis
10/02/2011 Duration: 01h10minBefore the Jedi can leave Mortis, the Son takes Ahsoka captive in an attempt to entice Anakin into joining him to use their combined strength to overpower his Father and Sister. To this end, the Son casts Ahsoka under the spell of the dark side. Meanwhile, the Father attempts to stave off a disastrous showdown between his children and maintain the Force's increasingly precarious balance on the planet. Fearing that the Son may be unstoppable, the Daughter does the forbidden by taking Obi-Wan Kenobi to the Altar of Mortis, wherein is kept the Dagger of Mortis, a weapon capable of killing a Force-wielder. The Son steals the weapon, and attempts to use it against his Father to steal his power and end his rule, but the Daughter sacrifices herself, placing herself in front of the blade.
Season 3 Episode 15: Overlords
02/02/2011 Duration: 01h33minPerhaps the biggest Star Wars Clone Wars moment yet has happened -- Liam Neeson reprises the role of Qui-Gon Jinn for this special episode of The Clone Wars, as well as Pernilla August as Shmi Skywalker, and two Force Unleashed voice actors as new force users Brother and Sister! All in this mysterious new episode of Star Wars -- The Clone Wars! So join Dan, Arnie, Nathan, and Berent on this podcast to get their thoughts -- was it all a dream, or all too real? Find out on our latest show!
Season 3 Episode 14: Witches of the Mist
27/01/2011 Duration: 01h29minRepublic Commandos! Savage Opress! Darth Maul!! OH MY!! Asajj Ventrass's trap is sprung, Savage Opress is loose in the galaxy and Dan, Jen, Jerry, and Nathan are here to talk about it! The Nightsisters trilogy draws to a close and we get LOTS of voicemails!
Season 3 Episode 13: Monster
20/01/2011 Duration: 01h18minWhen Count Dooku calls upon the Nightsisters seeking a replacement for Ventress, she and her kin seize the opportunity to exact revenge. Ventress visits the far side of Dathomir and the males of the planet seeking the most brutal and powerful warrior among them. Talzin has Asajj secretly select a warrior from the distant Nightbrother village: Savage Opress. With the power of dark magic, Talzin transforms Savage into a hulking warrior ultimately loyal to Asajj. She then delivers Opress to Dooku, where he will serve as his secret Sith apprentice in a plot to overthrow Darth Sidious.
Season 3 Episode 12: Nightsisters
14/01/2011 Duration: 56minClone Wars is back after its holiday-hiatus! Now, the much anticipated Nightsisters trilogy is hitting Cartoon Network after the very successful one-night events across the country. Join Dan, Jen, Jerry, and Nathan P. as they see if the visit to Dathomir was worth all the effort. Also, we learn that the best security system that a Sith Lord can have is a lightsaber on his nightstand!
RFRN Holiday Special: A Faithful Wookie
26/12/2010 Duration: 01h11minMerry Christmas and Happy Holidays, RFRN fans!! Republic Forces Radio Network officially ends its Droids retrospective series with a review of the Star Wars Holiday Special animated short, "A Faithful Wookie." This special features the world debut of bounty hunter and "friend", Boba Fett. Although it came out 7 years prior to the Droids series, it was produced by Nelvana--the same studio that did the Droids and Ewoks animated series. Also, you might just find those character designs of R2-D2, C-3PO, Boba Fett, and the Stormtroopers a bit familiar if you've been following the Droids coverage. Is Fett here to help Luke, Han, and Chewie or is he Darth Vader's right-hand man? Listen and find out as Jerry, Dan, Jen, Berent, and Nathan discuss "A Faithful Wookie". You'll find it's minute-for-minute the most comprehensive review RFRN has ever done. There are 7 minutes of review per 1 minute of cartoon content! You can't beat that!!!
Season 3 Episode 11: Pursuit of Peace
09/12/2010 Duration: 01h16minIn our final show of 2010, Dan, Jen, Berent, and Nathan P. Butler discuss "Pursuit of Peace"! Padme is still trying to get the order for more clones shot down, meanwhile others are planning to shoot her down! Literally!! Republic Senators should really have some kind of personal security detail.... We've got a Voicemail, Continuity Corner, and a great discussion before break to await the new year!
SPECIAL REPORT: Spoiler Free Reviews of Savage Opress Screening!
07/12/2010 Duration: 23minIf this were the start of a Clone Wars episode, we might hear it start with Tom Kane saying "Midway into Season 3 of Star Wars The clone Wars and things are not going well for our heroes! With ratings down 25% and a slew of political episodes making even the most die hard Clone Wars fans cranky! Now, a surprising move as Lucasfilm previews three episodes at a one-time theater event! Written by Katie Lucas, this introduces a new series villain, the Zabrack Savage Opress!" And truly, with this event, held for press as well as for select fans, and used as a charity opportunity to collect toys, this feels like a make-or-break time for the Star Wars Clone Wars series. Republic Forces Radio Network's Arnie was on hand to watch the three Savage Opress episodes, as well as the montage previewing the rest of Season 3. And with him was Star Wars Action News' Marjorie, who talked to several viewers after the event to get their thoughts on the episodes, as well as one special Star Wars fan, Katie, the girl who's
DROIDS Episode 13: The Frozen Citadel
30/11/2010 Duration: 01h24minIn this 25th anniversary year of Droids, we took you to "a race to the finish", then to "a lost prince", and "across the Roon Sea". Now, Republic Forces Radio Network visits the final episode of the on-going series, "The Frozen Citadel". Join Jerry, Dan, Jen, Arnie, and Nathan P. Butler as they say farewell to this "great heap" of a show. Or is that "great heep"?
Season 3 Episode 10: Heroes on Both Sides
25/11/2010 Duration: 112h06minHappy Thanksgiving RFRN fans! This week we discuss "Heroes on Both Sides"! Join Dan, Jen, Jerry, and Nathan P. Butler as they review this week's show. Can Padme put an end to the war by negotiating her friend in the Separatist Senate? WAIT?!? THE WHAT?!? Also, Arnie reviews the Clone Wars magazine from Titan Publishing and we take a couple of your voice mails!
Season 3 Episode 9: Hunt for Ziro
17/11/2010 Duration: 01h20minFollowing the events of Hostage Crisis, Cad Bane brings Ziro to the Hutts. Ziro apparently has secrets the Hutts don't want to get out, but Ziro has even a more interesting secret that is revealed in this episode! Join Dan, Arnie, Jen, and Berent as they discuss Episode 9 -- Hunt for Ziro! Also, Nathan P. Butler joins us to provide a little "Continuity Corner". Does Sy Snootles live up to her rock-star status or is she destined to be a one-hit wonder!
Season 3 Episode 8: Evil Plans
11/11/2010 Duration: 01h26minC-3PO and R2-D2 go out on a routine shopping trip for some ingredients that is needed at Padme's party. While out, they get into mischief, wander off to a droid spa, and get in TROUBLE AGAIN. NO, NO--this isn't the long-awaited final episode in the Droids retrospective series, this is actually this week's episode of Clone Wars! Find out what dastardly plans Cad Bane has in store for the duo as Dan, Jen, Berent, and Arnie discuss Episode 8, Evil Plans! And Nathan P. Butler stops by for Continuity Corner. If that wasn't enough, we listen to several of your voice mails this week.
Season 3 Special Report #1
31/10/2010 Duration: 30minNo new Clone Wars episode? NO PROBLEM! This week, Republic Forces Radio Network has a special report with three exciting segments. First, Jerry gives us a review of the Season 2 BluRay box set. Then Nathan P. Butler gives us the ultimate Continuity Corner as he tries to tackle the ever-changing chronology with his proposed episode order. Then we have a Hasbro Q&A with some very interesting news on the carded figure front.
Season 3 Episode 7: Assassin
26/10/2010 Duration: 59minAhsoka is assigned to stay at the Jedi Temple to continue her studies. But, she begins to have visions of as assassination attempt on Senator Padme Amidala! She realizes Aurra Sing is behind it and off to Alderaan she goes to protect Padme. Can it really be Aurra Sing? Can Ahsoka see her visions clearly enough to stop the would-be-assassin? Who's behind this anyway!?! Join Jerry, Jen, Dan, and Nathan as they discuss this week's episode, Assassin. Also, Robert, Darth Ikari, joins us to review the Slave-1 Toys R Us exclusive battle pack.
Season 3 Episode 6: The Academy
20/10/2010 Duration: 01h19minRepublic Forces Radio Network is back to review Episode 6, The Academy. Join Jerry, Jen, Berent, and Nathan P. Butler as they follow Ahsoka on her "teaching" mission to Mandalore. Also, the gang answers the question, "Is Clone Wars YOUR Star Wars?"