Bringing you frontline, weekly coverage of the new Star Wars Clone Wars adventures.
Season 4 Episode 5: Mercy Mission
12/10/2011 Duration: 01h10minLooks like the RFRN bunch is in trouble again! This week's episode of the Clone Wars is a very Droid-centric episode! Was this a fun frolic in nostalgia (no doubt encouraged by our inspirational coverage of the Droids series last summer) or was this another long detour on the wandering road of mediocrity that seems to be season 4 so far? Tune in to see what we think and what you tell us you thought in this weeks Voicemails!
Season 4 Episode 4: Shadow Warrior
06/10/2011 Duration: 01h13minOn this week the Gungan Army is preparing to march on Theed! And from the sound of it they don't just plan to set up camp in the financial district... And surprise surprise the Seperatists are behind it all! Tune it to hear Jen, Dan and the season 4 debuts of Jerry and Nathan P Butler as they discuss this weeks exciting episode! We also have listener voicemails and a preview of next weeks episode of Droids... er the Clone Wars!
Season 4 Episode 3: Prisoners
28/09/2011 Duration: 53minClean off the bits and chunks of Kardaradon, clean that Jar Jar spit off your helmet and join Jen, Arnie, Berent and Dan as they talk about the EXPLOSIVE conclusion to the introductory arc of season 4 of The Clone Wars. Are we off to a bang? Or a fizzle? Tune in and see what we think! And be sure to let us know what you think of each weeks show and your voicemail may be played on next weeks show!
Season 4 Episode 1: Water War and Episode 2: Gungan Attack
21/09/2011 Duration: 01h31minAnd we're back! After an exciting summer we're right back into The Clone Wars with Season 4's double episode premier! Join Jen, Arnie, Berent, and Dan as they discuss the exciting events that bring wat to Mon Calamari and what could make things so desperate that GUNGANS are the answer! All this and more on this weeks RFRN!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 13: Chapter 25
15/09/2011 Duration: 41minAnd here we are.... After a fun filled summer we have come to the end... The final episode of our coverage of the Clone Wars Micro Series discussing chapter 25. Join Jen, Berent, Dan, Jerry and Nathan one more time as they discuss the exciting conclusion, Jerry tells us about the trading card series associated with the micro series and the gang gives their thoughts on what they did this summer.. Just in time for Clone Wars Season 4!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 12: Chapter 24
14/09/2011 Duration: 28minThe assault on Coruscant is in full Swing! Meanwhile Anakin is taking a little journey into the heart of "Mother" Nelvan and himself! And we're here to talk it over in our continuing discussion of the Clone Wars Micro Series! Join Jen, Berent, Dan, Jerry and Nathan as they discuss the attack of Grevious and Anakin's little look inside himself!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 11: Chapter 23
13/09/2011 Duration: 38minWAR! It's finally here! The CIS attack on the Republic capitol world! Yoda and Mace spring into action and the RFRN gang is here to talk about it! Meanwhile Obiwan and Anakin are... having a campfire? Tune in to listen to Jen, Berent, Dan, Jerry and Nathan talk about chapter 23 of the Clone Wars micro series! How it holds up today and what has happened to it's continuity!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 10: Chapter 22
31/08/2011 Duration: 53minThis week the RFRN gang talks about chapter 22 of the Clone Wars Micro series and we inch ever closer to the start of Season 4!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 9: Chapter 21
23/08/2011 Duration: 01h14minThe RFRN bunch sits down (some of us from the comfort of our own homes and one of us from a Barnes and Noble's) to discuss Chapter 21 of the Clone Wars Micro Series with it's awesome ARC rescue mission, C3PO's Strip Tease, and Anakin's Knighting!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 8: Chapter 20
11/08/2011 Duration: 49minThis Week we talk about Chapter 20 of the Clone Wars Micro Series, Nathan tells us about the Digest Sized Clone Wars Adventures, and we announce our winner of the Weta art book from SDCC!
RFRN Special Report: San Diego Comic Con 2011
27/07/2011 Duration: 43minWell Comic Con has come and gone and our own Master Collecte'em All, Berent was there to take in the sites and sit through the panels and then sit down with Dan to tell us all about it!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 7: Chapters 17, 18, and 19
16/07/2011 Duration: 54minThis week Dan, Jen, Berent, Jerry and Nathan discuss the next 3 chapters of the Clone Wars micro series and the amazing Duel between Anakin and Asajj! Tune in to hear their thoughts and opinions of this climactic battle!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 6: Chapters 14, 15 and 16
06/07/2011 Duration: 42minThis week the RFRN gang chat about episodes 14, 15 and 16 of the Micro Series. Covering the events on Ilum from the assault on the Jedi Temple to the rescue mission by Yoda and Padme! What really is the deal with Snowbunny Padme?!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 5: Chapters 11, 12, and 13
23/06/2011 Duration: 57minThis week the gang discuss the next 3 chapters of the Clone Wars Micro Series. discussing the continuation of Anakin and Assaj's Starfighter battle and Mace Windu takes on the CIS on Dantooine... they're on Dantooine.... All this and a discussion of the new EXTENDED preview of The Clone Wars Season 4
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 4: Chapters 8, 9, & 10
15/06/2011 Duration: 37minThis week Dan, Jen, Jerry, Berent, and Nathan talk about the next three chapters in the Clone Wars Micro Series. from the defeat of Durge (that's going to leave a stain) to the defeat of the Muunilist space forces. and all the fun, and gooey points between!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 3: Chapters 5, 6, and 7
09/06/2011 Duration: 01h02minContinuing with our summer programming this week we discuss Durge and his Lancer droids in action and Asajj's time as a galactic gladiator! Join Dan, Jen, Nathan, Jerry, and Berent as we talk about these exciting chapters!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 2: Chapters 2, 3, and 4
01/06/2011 Duration: 33minAt long last (and despite the efforts of Mother Nature) Episode 2 of our summer retrospective of the Clone Wars Micro Series is here! Dan, Jen, Berent, Jerry, and Nathan discuss the events of chapters 2, 3, and 4 where we meet (in their animated form) Arc Troopers and Kit Fisto!
Clone Wars Micro Series Episode 1: Intro and Chapter 1
18/05/2011 Duration: 47minDan, Jen, Berent, Jerry and Nathan talk about our impressions of the Clone Wars Micro Series and dive right into Chapter one! Join us as we talk about where it began!
Season 3 Wrap Up
14/04/2011 Duration: 01h32minThe Gang's all here!!! The entire staff of Republic Forces Radio Network sits down to chat about The Clone Wars: Season 3 Secrets Revealed! Join Dan, Jen, Arnie, Berent, Jerry, and Nathan to see our final thoughts on this season, what we're looking forward to in Season 4: Revenge of the Hoojibs (NOT THE REAL TITLE) and to find out what our summer programing is this year. (Hint: It's something Star Wars) of The Clone Wars!
Season 3 Episode 21: Padawan Lost and Episode 22: Wookiee Hunt
06/04/2011 Duration: 104h06minIt's finally here!!! Dan, Nathan, Berent, and Jerry discuss Season 3's two part finale and we take your voicemails!