#thepete #podcast
#thepete #podcast 2017 #3: #Trump as President Week 1
26/01/2017In this episode of #thepetepodcast, I try to get to the most important stuff in the dense-with-insanity first week of the #TrumpRegime, #TrumpAdministration, #TrumpPresidency, whatever you want to call it. Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Oh, and hey, if you like what I do with this podcast or anything else online, support me on Patreon (even for just a buck-a-month!) or buy my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES, or just buy me a coffee! Every bit helps!
#thepete #podcast 2017 episode 2: #Obama's great but only comparatively
13/01/2017In his episode if #thepetepodcast I go into how disappointed I am in President #Obama. Listen to find out how. Also: #Trump is in with the #Russians up to his neck! Again, listen to find out how and why!Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Oh, and hey, if you like what I do with this podcast or anything else online, support me on Patreon (even for just a buck-a-month!) or buy my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES, or just buy me a coffee! Every bit helps!You can always find more episodes of #thepete #podcast at!
#thepete #podcast 2017 episode 1! Don't trust #journalists!
07/01/2017In the first episode of #thepetepodcast for #2017, I go into why and how journalists just aren't trustworthy and how we can deal with it. Have a listen and let me know what you think! Comment here or @ me on Twitter! Thanks for listening! Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Oh, and hey, if you like what I do with this podcast or anything else online, support me on Patreon (even for just a buck-a-month!) or buy my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES, or just buy me a coffee! Every bit helps!
#thepete #podcast for 11/29/16: We Can Stop #Trump (#Probably)
30/11/2016In the latest #thepetepodcast, I talk about how I've been dealing with the aftermath of #Election2016 and how I think we can stop #Trump. I don't care what your #politics are, this man is a #nutbag and should not be allowed into the #WhiteHouse. Thanks for listening! Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Oh, and hey, if you like what I do with this podcast or anything else online, support me on Patreon (even for just a buck-a-month!) or buy my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES, or just buy me a coffee! Every bit helps!
#thepete #podcast for 20161118: don't be #glib about a #Trump #future
20/11/2016In this episode of #thepetepodcast, I struggle to stay focused amid the myriad messes #DonaldTrump is causing and is liable to cause. If you missed part 3 of my Post-#Election2016 #madness series, please visit Thanks! Oh hey and if you like this podcast please consider supporting me on patreon. Thanks! http://patreon.thepete.comHere is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom!Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Oh, and hey, if you like what I do with this podcast or anything else online, support me on Patreon (even for just a buck-a-month!) or buy my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES, or just buy me a coffee! Every bit helps!
#thepete #podcast: part 3 of the post-#Election2016 madness
18/11/2016The latest #thepetepodcast continues to explore the hows and whys of #Trump won and that he needs to not get into office. Boy, I was just getting going when I ran out of my ten minutes on AudioBoom! I need more time!!! Ah well, stay tuned for more soon on #politics, #DonaldTrump, the #ElectoralCollege and the #presidency. How #FUBAR'ed will this get? Only time will tell...from thepete's posts OK, so using IFTTT to cross post this episode of #thepete #podcast to its blog did not work. Here's the mp3 of the episode. Maybe now it'll show up in the podcast stream.
#thepete #podcast post#Election2016 #madness pt2
11/11/2016In part two of #thepetepodcast post-#Election2016 #madness, I point out how #Democrats are to blame for #Trump beating #Clinton and how they are not. Forgot to mention how hindsight tends to be 20/20, though. Oh and please sign the petition here: is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Oh, and hey, if you like what I do with this podcast or anything else online, support me on Patreon (even for just a buck-a-month!) or buy my long-form comic, INKSTREM
#thepete #podcast post-#Election2016 #madness pt1
11/11/2016In this week's #thepetepodcast I dive head first into the mess we're in and how we may still have some #hope to see our way out of this #Nightmarica scenario. I had so much to say that I will record a part 2 to this tomorrow. #PresidentElect #Trump #yuck #thisisanightmareHere is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Oh, and hey, if you like what I do with this podcast or anything else online, support me on Patreon (even for just a buck-a-month!) or buy my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES, or just buy me a coffee! Every bit helps!
#thepete #podcast #election2016 edition! #Clinton Vs #Trump!
05/11/2016This week's #thepetepodcast delves into the numbers of a very probable #HillaryClinton #win in the #election. Check out to see those poll numbers for yourself. Or just listen to me explain it to you. #DonaldTrump, according to #PollData hasn't had a chance for months! We're almost done, kids!! Watch for another episode of #thepete #podcast just after the election!Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Oh, and hey, if you like what I do with this podcast or anything else online, support me on Patreon (even for just a buck-a-month!) o
#thepete #podcast for 10/25/16: 2 WEEKS LEFT IN #ELECTION2016!!
26/10/2016This week on #thepetepodcast: 2 weeks from now it's all over and aren't we all glad #DonaldTrump will #lose? And how sad is #LoserTrump? #SadTrump is #sad. Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Like what I do online? Support me on Patreon or by buying my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES! Or, hey, just buy me a cup of coffee! Seriously--every bit helps!! Thanks! You can always find more episodes of #thepete #podcast at!
#thepete #podcast for 10/17/16: more of my #disconnect from #politics, the #world, etc
19/10/2016Another episode of #thepetepodcast where I describe my current mental state and waning interest level in seeing the world burn. #politics just aren't as fun as they used to be. Either I'm getting old or they are. Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Like what I do online? Support me on Patreon or by buying my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES! Or, hey, just buy me a cup of coffee! Seriously--every bit helps!! Thanks!
#thepete #podcast: is it wrong that I am tired?
12/10/2016This week on #thepetepodcast: I am tired! Listen to find out what I am tired of and why! Hint: it has to do with #politics, #government, #culture, #society and everything else that is wrong with the world! Weee!!Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Like what I do online? Support me on Patreon or by buying my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES! Or, hey, just buy me a cup of coffee! Seriously--every bit helps!! Thanks!
#thepete #podcast for 10/3/16: #politics #debates2016 #Trump OH MY!
04/10/2016In #thepetepodcast this week I talk about the importance of the #debates (or lack there of) and how screwed #America is as a country in general. Hey, I end on a positive note! #election2016Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Like what I do online? Support me on Patreon or by buying my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES! Or, hey, just buy me a cup of coffee! Seriously--every bit helps!! Thanks!
#thepete #podcast for 9/20/16: Why "#Skittles" represents the #worst of #America
21/09/2016This week on #thepetepodcast: #DonaldTrump Jr makes an ultimately nonsensical comparison between Skittles and #refugees and in the process validates America's #paranoia and #cowardice. May have to do a sequel to this ep. So much to say!Here's that graphic I mention in the podcast this week:Yes, because deciding to eat a piece of candy is JUST LIKEdeciding whether to accept refugees into your country.Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Like what I do online? Support me on Patreon or by buying my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES!
#thepete #podcast for 9/13/16: #humanity, #stupidity, #douchebaggery
14/09/2016#thepetepodcast this week is all about my personal #fears and #concerns regarding #idiots and #assholes in positions of #power.Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Like what I do online? Support me on Patreon or by buying my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES! Or, hey, just buy me a cup of coffee! Seriously--every bit helps!! Thanks!
#thepete #podcast for 9/6/16: what's Worse than #GlobalWarming? Our own #Ignorance.
07/09/2016In this week's #thepetepodcast, I ask the question: What's next after #ClimateChange? Are we done ruining our planet or can we do more to change the #environment on a #global scale? Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Like what I do online? Support me on Patreon or by buying my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES! Or, hey, just buy me a cup of coffee! Seriously--every bit helps!! Thanks!
#thepete #podcast for 8/30/16: #Election2016 is kind of a #farce
31/08/2016This week on #thepetepodcast I go into my thoughts on how this election is just a big old #distraction #festival, or #distractionfest. #DonaldTrump and #HillaryClinton are the #RingLeaders AND the #clowns.Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Like what I do online? Support me on Patreon or by buying my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES! Or, hey, just buy me a cup of coffee! Seriously--every bit helps!! Thanks!
#thepete #podcast for 8/23/16: how #society is #failing us
24/08/2016This week in #thepetepodcast I go into how American #society is failing to do what it is there to do. It is breaking its #Social contract with #WeThePeople. #HealthCare, #housing, #innovation, #war are all ways it fails us. Listen to find out how! Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Like what I do online? Support me on Patreon or by buying my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES! Or, hey, just buy me a cup of coffee! Seriously--every bit helps!! Thanks!
#thepete #podcast 8/16/16: the premature passing of @NightlyShow
16/08/2016This week on #thepetepodcast, I delve into the cancelation of one of my favorite shows on TV, #TheNightlyShow with #LarryWilmore. This is a sad sad thing happening to this bunch of really talented #writers and #comedians, some of whom are #PeopleOfColor.Here is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! In fact, you'll get to listen one day earlier than iTunes and RSS subscribers! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Like what I do online? Support me on Patreon or by buying my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES! Or, hey, just buy me a cup of coffee! Seriously--every bit helps!! Thanks! You can always find more episodes of #thepete #podcast a
#thepete #podcast 8/10/16: a Disturbing Revalation about #DonaldTrump
10/08/2016This week in #thepetepodcast, I talk about a disturbing and kind of scary thing I just realized about #Trump. Listen now! #politics #POTUS2016 #GOP #RepublicansHere is a direct download of the 10 minute mp3 of this week's #thepete #podcast, or you can subscribe to #thepete #podcast! ;)Got iTunes? Sure, we're all forced to! Subscribe to #thepete #podcast on iTunes! You can also listen to this podcast on Audioboom! Let me know what you think of this podcast! Leave a comment here or on Twitter or where ever you found my podcast. THANKS! Like what I do online? Support me on Patreon or by buying my long-form comic, INKSTREME BALLPOINT ADVENTURES! Or, hey, just buy me a cup of coffee! Seriously--every bit helps!! Thanks!