#thepete #podcast

#thepete #podcast: part 3 of the post-#Election2016 madness



The latest #thepetepodcast continues to explore the hows and whys of #Trump won and that he needs to not get into office. Boy, I was just getting going when I ran out of my ten minutes on AudioBoom! I need more time!!! Ah well, stay tuned for more soon on #politics, #DonaldTrump, the #ElectoralCollege and the #presidency. How #FUBAR'ed will this get? Only time will tell...from thepete's posts https://audioboom.com/posts/5278586-thepete-podcast-part-3-of-the-post-election2016-madnessUPDATE:  OK, so using IFTTT to cross post this episode of #thepete #podcast to its blog did not work.  Here's the mp3 of the episode.  Maybe now it'll show up in the podcast stream.