La Città Del Sole

La città del sole è un'opera filosofica, a sfondo politico, caratterizzata da una struttura dialogica che ricorda da vicino gli scritti platonici.Nonostante la...

La Città Del Sole

La città del sole rappresenta la proiezione di un modello di società pacifica e giusta in un luogo immaginario, ispirandosi alle analoghe utopie politiche di Platone e di...

La Città Del Sole

Opera filosofica di chiaro stampo utopico, scritta nel 1602, 'La Città del Sole' adotta uno stile caro a un grande pensatore dell'antichità come Platone...

Cris Tommasi - Bootleg

All my tracks in Free Download! Visit My site for more info!

The Tomcast

This is my show! I interview my musician/artist friends and pick their brains. What originally inspired them to start creating? Who are their influences... what types of adversity...

Cris Tommasi - Releases

All my tracks that you can buy on iTunes! Visit My site for more info!

Tomato Tomato: A Podcast of Differences

Every week well discuss a topic which presents subtle differences, based in our geographic location across the US and other countries, or possibly based on our personal...

Tomcast -

Occasional dollops of lovely noise plopped straight into your iPod, all courtesy of the mind, brain and fingers of Tom Wateracre

The Visitation: Abridged Audio [abridged]

The sleepy, eastern Washington wheat town of Antioch has become a gateway for the supernatural—from sightings of angels and a weeping crucifix to a self-proclaimed prophet...

Wilder Stories | A Tomcast

Audio treats from the stage and behind the scenes here at The Old Market. #TOMcasts

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