Sanford Speaks

Sanford Speaks provides valuable insights and information to help parents and students navigate the world of education.

Regina, Regina!

Regina (n.) A pseudonym you assign to a person whom you want to gossip about without using their name.

Bj Sanford

Debating about things going on today

Speaking Freely With Sanford Ungar

In this series, Sanford Ungar, the director of the Free Speech Project at Georgetown University, speaks with thought leaders and major players in the Free Speech drama unfolding...

Regina Apostolic Church

Listen in to the weekend services from Regina Apostolic Church.

Connect Church Sanford

Sermons from Connect Church in Sanford, NC

Schiava O Regina?

La giovane e bella Lise, figliastra della nobile Catherine de Subrans, non ha mai dimenticato Gabriel, il suo primo amore. La sua vita scorre senza colpi di scena fino al fatale...

First Baptist Church Sanford, Alabama

Weekly sermons on topics that address issues we all face today.

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