
"Ao se aproximar, David percebeu, para seu horror, que era uma mulher. Suas pernas desnudas ainda estavam dentro da água e, quando as ondas chegavam, levantavam a saia do vestido...

Lifecoach Leslie

Leslie Gail is an Expert Health and Lifestyle Coach who appears regularly on TV, radio and print. She has helped thousands of clients break through fears and live their fullest...

Lester Love

Podcast by Lester Love


Welcome to Leely's Arena where amazing things happen for you and I to explore

Leslie [abridged]

To some she's intelligent and beautiful. To others she's proud and dangerous. At the historically black college of Dillard University in the lush mystical city of New Orleans,...

Radiou Leslie

Podcast by RadioU Leslie

Lesser Known

Lesser Known is an interview podcast focused on guests or topics that are often overlooked.

And Leslie

And Leslie is a podcast about current, past, and future events hosted by two friends three time zones apart. They talk a lot.

Ron Lester

Ron Lesters loss of 348lbs is BlogTalkRadios gain. Since undergoing dramatic duodenal-switch surgery in 2001, the "Varsity Blues" moive star, not only has a buff new bod, but a...

Leslie's Channel

Daily messages of homework, classroom news, school updates, and more!!!

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