Artur Eduardo Benevides

Poeta, ensaísta e contista com mais de 40 livros publicados, nasceu no município de Pacatuba, no Ceará. Foi eleito em 1985 o Príncipe dos Poetas Cearenses. Com formação em...

Espasmos: Lauro Guimarães

Contração involuntária. Abstração, êxtase, arroubo. Ambos os significados de espasmos descrevem bem o que é encontrado em ESPASMOS: Uma poesia que surge do espanto com o...

Yofi Jaya Pratama

Welcome to Yofi Jaya Pratama, where amazing things happen.

Teachings Of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Ma Jaya teaches the wisdom of all spiritual paths. Her unique voice is available through these live recordings, selected by her students. For more information, please visit...

Guided Meditations With Jaya Ashmore

Jaya Ashmore has guided meditation for people of diverse backgrounds in a dozen countries since 1999. With over 30 years of ripening in diverse meditation traditions, primarily in...

Laura & Emma

“Masterly deftness, funny sentence by funny sentence...a moving and intricately braided story of two mothers.” —Jonathan Franzen, The Guardian This...

Laura Goodrich

Laura GoodrichInnovator l Cinematic Micro-Learning Producer l Author l SpeakerTV l Radio l Program HostLaura is an internationally recognized expert in change and the future of...

Octane Athletic Performance With Jason Benavides

Welcome to the Octane Athletic Performance Podcast home of world-class Athletes and Coaches. The #1 Fitness podcast where you can discover how to get stronger, lose fat, develop...

Laura Veirs

Unclassifiable and imminently likable.

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