The Reckonings: Essays

“Unflinching and honest…both timely and timeless” (Houston Chronicle), this extraordinary collection of essays by the award-winning writer of The Other...

Change Your Brain: How To Improve Your Memory And Evolve Your Brain

3 books in 1!Book 1: You may have heard of people who remember everything just by glancing at it: names, faces, numbers, or information. Well, it’s not unrealistic to develop a...

Mind Hacking: Train Your Mind And Become More Intelligent With A Happy Brain

3 books in a bundle!Book 1: As we all know, we only use a small portion of our brain, and just like muscles in other parts of our body, the brain can be trained to function...

Lady Killer

Set in Takoma Park among a group of college friends now raising families together, LADY KILLER explores spousal abuse and the ways that both long-standing friendships and...

Lady Supervisor

Margo loves her job working in construction. However, it is a male dominated field and it doesn't help when one of the colleagues is her husband. So when Margo gets promoted...

Lady Dynamite

Lady Dynamite is an independent podcast hosted by Loudwomen, Laura and Anna, along with copious amounts of legal stimulants in the form of energy drink mocktails (AKA...

Lace Em Up

Brett Duboff and Steve Ellsworth dissect the hockey world piece by piece from dominating headlines to small stories. Give the hosts a shout on Twitter @LaceEmPodcast.

Detroit Lazy

Sean and Josh tackle the world. On their terms!

Lady Space

A podcast for anyone who wants to listen.

Lazy Days

Fred Everything is without question one of the most accomplished Canadian House music producers of all time, with over 200 releases on several key labels. 12 years ago he founded...

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