
Dall’incipit del libro: "Mentre Cristina si chinava a cogliere un ramoscello di basilico odoroso, da mettere come aroma nella salsa di pomodoro che bolliva in cucina,...


Una storia tra amore e rancore, una donna vittima di un destino amaro. Matilde Serao (Patrasso, 7 marzo 1856 – Napoli, 25 luglio 1927) è stata una scrittrice e...

Nicola Kelly

Reporter for the BBC World Service & BBC Radio 4. Here are my stories - and some on the road stuff.

Brian Kelly

A pissed off millennial who holds nothing back.

Kelly Outdoors

Kelly Outdoors Radio was started a few years back, Partly because I wanted to reach out to folks in a cost effective way to promote my products as well as other folks stuff as...

Mike Kelly

Podcast by Mike Kelly

Dj Dinho Oliveira

Deejay Dinho Oliveira from Brazil, muisc "up"

Saulo Oliveira Silva

Singer, songwriter, writer. If you have time and want to give my music a chance, here is the link to follow me on Spotify!...

Parson Kelly

“It is easy to guess that Mr. Lang has furnished the flavor of Stuart romance and the historical details of the political plotting, while to Mr. Mason is undoubtedly due the...


#Harry&Kelly with Harry Howard and Kelly Russo

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