Letter From America By Alistair Cooke: The Clinton Years (1997-2000)

Alistair Cooke on Bill Clintons second term including Monica Lewinsky scandal, the attempt to impeach him, the al-Qaeda attack on US embassies in east Africa and war in Kosovo.

Letter From America By Alistair Cooke: The Clinton Years (1993-1996)

Alistair Cooke on Bill Clintons first term. The Israeli-Palestinian Oslo accords, gays in the military, the North American Free Trade Agreement and attempted healthcare reform.

Letter From America By Alistair Cooke: The Bush Jr Years (2001- 2004)

The 9/11 attacks, the war on terror and invasion of Iraq defined George W Bushs first term. A fascinating social, cultural and political look at American life from Alistair Cooke

Letter From America By Alistair Cooke: From Nixon To Carter (1969-1980)

From Americas great hope after Nixons election victory, to disillusionment after Watergate through to President Carters election. Alistair Cooke's account of American life.

Letter From America By Alistair Cooke: The Bush Sr Years (1989-1992)

George Bushs presidency, the Panama invasion, the Soviet bloc collapse and the first war in Iraq. Alistair Cooke's fascinating look at American life.

Letter From America By Alistair Cooke: The Early Years (1940s, 1950s And 1960s)

The assassination of JFK through to Vietnam and Americas shame at the My Lai massacre. Alistair Cooke's fascinating social, cultural and political history of American life.

Cookies And Coke

An East Tennessee Comedy Podcast

Mentiras Que Contam Às Mulheres: Os Mais Ultrajantes E Absurdos Conselhos Dados Às Mulheres Ao Longo Da História

Ao longo dos séculos, as mulheres já receberam todos os tipos de conselhos esdrúxulos, tanto aqueles que nos dizem o que fazer — desde sermos responsáveis por todo o...


A Creative. A Voice. Let me share it with you.

Cookies & Crossovers

Like cookies? Bang. Like crossovers? Bang. We can offer you neither, but we sure can talk a lot about them. This podcast exists to thrill and inform the everyday NBA fan,...

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