Rooney Rambles

Short chats about things that have got my attention, be it at home or at the track, on the news or the world of social media!


- en podcast om forfatteren, mystikeren, teologen og kvinden fra middelalderen, Julian af Norwich.

Julian Perez

Julian Perez's Upcoming GigsSat 03 Feb, 18 TAG Club, Venice, ItalySat 10 Feb, 18 Gazgolder, Moscow, RussiaSat 17 Feb, 18 Dubla, Iasi, RomaniaFri 23 Feb, 18 World Trade Center,...

Julian Treasure

Thoughts on sound and on sonic communication - the art of conscious listening and powerful speaking - from international speaker with five TED talks (including the sixth-most...

Julian Ho Podcast

Welcome to the Julian Ho Podcast podcast, where I share ideas and insights on health, wellness, and fitness through motivational audio recordings of my written blogs found on my...

Julian Gray Podcast

Julian Gray Podcast. Interviews of the music industry.

Julian Loves Music

In the grand showbiz tradition of ripping off what works to make millions of his own dollars, comedian Julian McCullough (This American Life, The Tonight Show, @midnight) has...

Homebrewed D&d

A podcast where four buds play their own version of D&D. Yell at us and submit suggestions on twitter; See our artwork on Instagram at homebreweddandd,...


I do things like record myself and my friends playing D&D and then call it a podcast. Yay!

Narrative D&d

A D&D playthrough audio of the Curse of Strahd campaign. No numbers or rolls here! Just quality story and role-playing.

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