The Divine Feminine

Listening to the Divine Feminine Audiobook starts you off on a journey to seek your inner power and unleash the strength of your femininity. Engaging and enlightening, you’ll...

Akashic Records

Although the definition differs, the Akashic records are known to be a hall or library where the information and wisdom of every soul are kept. Through listening to this...

Vegan Nutritionist Audio Course

The Vegan Nutritionist Audio Course takes you from absolute novice to being capable of running your own nutritionist business. It covers both the theoretical and practical aspects...

Anger And Aggression Management

Why do some of us get so angry, whilst others remain calm in even the most stressful of situations? This audiobook uncovers the reasons behind our anger, the effects it has on our...

Counselling Skills

This popular course will give you a firm foundation in counselling skills. If your job involves helping others, or if you simply want to be supportive to others, then you’ll...

Play Therapy

Whether you are interested in building your own play therapy business, have a background in psychology, counselling or education and would like to work towards gaining a licence...


Train to become an EFT Practitioner and learn powerful techniques that can help yourself and others to overcome any physical or emotional blockages that may be holding you back in...

Sports Massage

From theories and techniques on providing effective massages relevant to your clients’ needs, to setting up a practice and retaining clients, the Sports Massage audio book...

Swedish Massage

Massage is a very powerful tool in assisting the body to balance itself. Through the skilful application of tools and techniques, knowledge of the human body, a relaxing...

Beauty Therapy

Is working in beauty therapy your dream career? Offering feel-good services, beautifying someone before a big event – making them picture-perfect or helping clients unwind with...

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