Islamic Finance: Basic Concepts And Issues

As the Islamic finance industry develops further, there is a growing need for standardization and professionalism across the industry. Coupled with this is the importance of...

Principles Of Islamic Finance

This book tries to note the main principles of Islamic finance. In addition to discuss the Improvement can be made in several areas to promote and enhance the providing Islamic...

Halal Industry: Key Challenges And Opportunities

The global halal market has emerged as a new growth sector in the global economy and is creating a strong presence in developed countries. The importance of this book comes from...

Competitiveness Of Sme`s In The Arab Countries

This book`s aim is to layout some general principles of support to enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs in the Arab countries. To do so, the paper Divided to two sections; in...

Islamic Finance For Small Business

The purpose of this book is to investigate the opportunities of development and growth as well as the main challenges to Islamic finance for Small Business.

Helal Endüstrisi

Bu kitabın önemi, bir yandan inançların maddi ve manevi hayatına, bir yandan da hukuksal ve dinsel boyutlarına, yeni çalışmalardan ve modern teknolojiden...

Husseni Abdi

Welcome to the Husseni Abdi podcast, where amazing things happen.

Gul Hussain

A Conversation wWith Myself :)

المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

حظيت المشروعاات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في السنوات الأخيرة باهتمام من جانب معظم الدول النامية نظرا إلى...

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