Fighter Zero

From the attack on Pearl Harbor to the last desperate defense in the face of massive Allied bombings and suicide attacks against the enemy squadrons, the Mitsubishi A6M Reisen...

Crystal Therapy

Since ancient times, the crystals are used as amulets, talismans or simple luck. Often they are also considered sacred objects and used for therapeutic purposes.Originated from...

Anahata - The Fourth Chakra

Anahata, the fourth chakra, located at the level of the heart and connected to the thymus, is the center of identity, of the courage to be oneself, of impersonal and unconditional...

Svadhishtana - The Second Chakra

The second chakra controls the Essential and Sensual body. This chakra regulates sexuality, reproduction, emotions, instincts, food and general communication of the body with the...

Muses - Nymphs - Other Gods

A complete work, unique in its kind, in which the myths and legends of ancient Greece are examined and illustrated with precision and accuracy. An accurate analysis that starts...

Muladhara - The First Chakra

With the word Chakra, which derives from Sanskrit and means "wheel", we want to indicate the seven basic centers of energy in the human body. The chakras are centers of...

Boeing B-29 Superfortress

The Boeing B 29 Superfortress will be remembered as the apparatus to have made use of the atomic weapon in war action; in fact, airplanes of this type that dropped the atomic...

Macchi M.c. 200 - M.c. 202 - M.c. 205

The Macchi M.C.200 "Saetta" was a single-engine low-wing fighter aircraft developed by the Italian aeronautical company Aeronautica Macchi in the 1930s. He made his...

Chromotherapy - The Power Of Colors

Colour therapy is an alternative medicine that uses color as a therapy for the treatment of diseases.Chromotherapy has ancient origins, as traditional medicines have always...

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy

The term "aromatherapy" indicates the use of aromatic essences also known as essential oils or volatile oils, to ensure well-being, to prevent the disease or to treat...

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