Editor and Publisher Reports

The staff behind Editor and Publisher magazine, since 1884, THE authoritative voice of #NewsPublishing, bring the magazine to life each week with the latest headlines from...


One September afternoon in 1751, towards half-past five, about a score of small boys, chattering, pushing, and tumbling over one another like a covey of partridges, issued from...

Eric's Editorial Podcast.

My Thoughts and Views on any subject that comes to mind: whether Naughty or Nice.

Youtube Editor Perspective Podcast (yepp)

Way of The Pride Discuss AMV editing on Youtube, anime, gaming, and more.

Ask Your Editor Writing Podcast

Ask Your Editor is a WRITING podcast for WRITERS, discussing the writing process, the writer's life, and other creative writing topics from the perspective of two fabulous ladies:...

Denise Wakeman

Adventures in Visibility is a monthly live video show originally aired as a Hangout on Google+ and currently hosted on Blab. Designed for online entrepreneurs who want to build a...

Derong Guys

NBA Podcast from two Aussies in Brooklyn, NY. We'll use our Nets season tickets to talk about the teams they play against, because the Nets are boring.

Devote 101

Devotions about specific things that we deal with on a day to day basis.

J.w. Pepper Editors' Choice Podcast

The J.W. Pepper podcast is your source for full-length recordings of the best new titles hand-selected by our editors. We review over 21,000 new titles every year, checking...

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