The Gentle Spirit: A Fantastic Story

Can too much love be fatal? You are about to find out in this exquisite psychological drama between the owner of a pawnshop and his wife. The narrator's marriage started out...

The Double

Golyadkin is a low-level bureaucrat struggling to succeed. His doctor tells him that his behaviour being dangerously antisocial should improve in cheerful company. Golyadkin...

Poor Folk

Dostoevsky was still a student when he started writing Poor Folk. His parents were very hard-working, but so poor that they lived with their five children in only two rooms. This...

The Gambler

Alexei Ivanovich, a tutor working for a Russian family living in a suite at a German hotel. The patriarch of the family, The General, is indebted to the Frenchman Des Grieux and...

Uncle's Dream

A tale of a provincial family desperate to better itself through a marriage of their daughter. The old man is almost forced into a wedding that is expected to last for a short...

The Adolescent

Arkady returns to St Petersburg to join his family, which he barely knows because he was shipped off to boarding school throughout his childhood. In the brief time during which...

Notes From The Underground

Dostoevsky's most revolutionary novel following life of a former official who has defiantly withdrawn into an underground existence. The unnamed narrator turns to a series of...

The Brothers Karamazov

The Brothers Karamazov is a passionate philosophical novel set in 19th century Russia, that enters deeply into the ethical debates of God, free will, and morality. It is a...

The Dream Of A Ridiculous Man

"The Dream of a Ridiculous Man" (Russian: Сон смешного человека, Son smeshnovo cheloveka) is a short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky written in 1877. It chronicles...

Fairy Tales For Adults

This volume offers a contrasting selection of stories and tales from the master of psychology Fyodor Dostoyevsky and heart warming story teller Beatrix Potter. The collection...

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