Lama David Karma Choephel

When we start practicing Buddhism, we often find ourselves taking many vows, such as refuge vows, the five precepts, bodhisattva vows, and sojong vows. But often we take the vows...

Dalai Lama

All things mindful, tibet, meditation, music, love, Compassion, emptiness and all beings.

Bijay Lama

Welcome to the Bijay Lama podcast, where amazing things happen.

Lama Sonam

Recent dharma talks from Lama Sonam. Lama Sonamwas born in 1962 in Bhutan, He was a monk in Rumtek Monastry in Sikkim before entering Thrangu Tashi Choling in Nepal. He was a...

Dawid David

Welcome to the Dawid David podcast, where Grace is my pride

Lama Dudjom Dorjee Podcasts

Weekly Dharma Teachings of Ven. Lama Dudjom Dorjee

Dalai Lama: My Son

Born to humble but prosperous peasants in 1901, the Year of the Ox, Diki Tsering grew up a simple girl with a simple life and the ordinary ambition to be a good wife and mother....

Da Lama Nasce O Lótus

Com apenas 26 anos, Maria Camila é diagnosticada com um tipo raríssimo de câncer de mama. Inicia-se, então, uma rotina intensa de exames, tratamentos, medicamentos e...

Lama Padma Samten

Criador e Diretor Espiritual do Instituto Caminho do Meio e dos Centros de Estudos Budistas Bodisatva, o Lama Padma Samten foi ordenado lama da linhagem Nyingma pelo seu mestre,...

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