Garrison Baptist Church

Sermons by Garrison Baptist Church

Garrison Fm

Garrison FM broadcasts to 17 locations around the UK on FM and AM and around the world on

Garrison Talks Sports

College football/basketball, NBA, and NFL, I've got you covered. News, opinion, game day picks, all here!

The Garrison Douglas Show

He's young, irritated and smart. Garrison is a political science major who's spent nearly half of his life in the political arena. He's a fighter, and his podcasts will show it!

Calvin Thielman Sermons

Calvin Thielman (1930-2002) was pastor of the Montreat Presbyterian Church from 1962 to 1995 and a long-time research assistant to Billy Graham. He mentored many into faith and...

Calvin Presbyterian

A library of sermons by Dr. Wiley, Pastor of Calvin Presbyterian Church in Rhode Island

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