O Sangue Dos Elfos

Por mais de um século os seres humanos, anões, gnomos e elfos viveram juntos em relativa paz. Mas os tempos mudaram, a paz inquieta está acabada e, mais uma vez, as raças...

Tempo De Tempestade

Geralt de Rívia não podia imaginar o que o esperava ao chegar à cidade de Kerack.Primeiro foi acusado de malversações financeiras. Depois, misteriosamente liberado sob...

Relaxation: To Understand Oneself

When we begin to reflect, we discover that we have so many, I would say so very many things to change - so many that we don’t know where to start. Well? Too much confusion!...

Jak Stać Się Wytrwałym

Jakie uczucia budzi w Tobie słowo „wytrwałość”? Podziw? Radość? Znużenie? Zniechęcenie? A może lekceważenie? Wytrwałość, która wydaje się stać nieco na uboczu...

Alfabet Szczescia. Milosc: Miołość

Miłość - oto pierwsze słowo w alfabecie szczęścia, powiedziałbym nie tylko jakieś słowo, lecz:SŁOWO NAJWIĘKSZE ZE SŁÓW!KRÓL SŁÓW!SŁOWO,...


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Joseph Andrews

Joseph Andrews, or The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams, was the first published full-length novel of the English author and...

Andrew Miller

Welcome to Andrew miller podcast, where amazing things happen everyday

Andrew & Jordan

Podcast by Andrew & Jordan

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