Rumo Ao Desconhecido: Expectativas De Egressos De Administração E De Gestores No Ambiente Corporativo

O livro do Professor Ademir Baldon trata com objetividade e simplicidade um tema sempre importante e, mais do que nunca, atual, quer seja, das expectativas de jovens...

Pés Vermelhos Sob O Céu Azul: Vida Que Segue

Autobiografia do professor Ademir Baldon, paranaense da cidade de Sertanópolis, mostra a trajetória de um brasileiro, como muitos, que superou condições iniciais...

Bardon Pond

Wicker Man meets Cold Comfort Farm. Pilot drama exploring the murky goings on in a mysterious seaside village.

Aanu Adedire

We talk about life Issues and everything that bothers us all.

Bacon Bacon Bakin' Bacon

A totally true story about a close friend with a very interesting name.

Admit None

Two nerdy gentlemen discuss new movies and old gems, picking them apart and arguing loudly. Movie news and franchise discussion! Silly giggles and adult language! Guest stars...

Admit Two

Admit Two is a Siskel and Ebert style movie discussion (argument) where our volatile hosts take two films, a drama and a comedy, with some shared subject linking them and debate...

Gsfe Admins

This podcast is for G Suite for Education Administrators. We hope to inform and entertain other admins through our personal experiences and the experiences of our guests.

Café En El Balcón

Síguenos en facebook Escúchanos todos los miércoles en vivo El programa donde el café y la buena...

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