Sybil traces the plight of the working classes of England. Disraeli was interested in dealing with the horrific conditions in which the majority of England's working classes...
The World Factbook, also known as the CIA World Factbook, is a reference resource produced by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with almanac-style information about the...
Vivian chooses politics as his career and the novel traces his abortive attempt to gain political power through manipulation of an influential but ineffectual member of...
The World Factbook provides information on the history, people and society, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational...
PREFACE.The reason for translating afresh Beccaria’s ‘Dei Delitti e delle Pene’ (‘Crimes and Punishments’) is, that it is a classical work of its...
The New York Times bestselling memoir about the creation and implementation of the controversial Enhanced Interrogation Techniques by the former Chief Operations Officer for the...
A celebration of the revolutionary change Amy and David Goodman have witnessed during the two decades of their acclaimed television and radio news program Democracy Now!—and...
From the author of the New York Times bestseller Dead Certain, the definitive book about the Bush Presidency, a revealing and riveting look at the new House of Representatives,...
“A searing, facts-driven indictment of America’s drone wars and their implications for US democracy and foreign policy. A must-read for concerned citizens”...
#1 New York Times bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio host Glenn Beck provides readers with the truth about the issues the media and politicians are scared to...