Tales of Old Japan (1871) is an anthology of classic tales compiled by Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford, Lord Redesdale. The narratives – adapted from Japanese sources –...
This “superbly researched and engaging” (The Wall Street Journal) true story about five boys who were kidnapped in the North and smuggled into slavery in the Deep...
Ernst Jünger 1895–1998) was a decorated German soldier and author who became famous for his World War I memoir ‘Storm of Steel’, published in 1920, shortly after the end of...
On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland. The country needed to be subjugated quickly before Britain and France could intervene. Germany’s Panzer divisions proved...
It is 03:14 on 22nd June 1941. Along a 1,800-kilometre front line that stretches from the Baltic Sea in the north, to Romania in the South, German soldiers are ready for battle. A...
A startling spotlight on the darkest corners of America’s “War on Terror,” where nothing is quite what it seems.The Convenient Terrorist is the definitive inside account of...
First published anonymously in January 1776, Paine's pamphlet Common Sense became a colonial bestseller. In a would-be nation of 4 million, some 150,000 copies were sold. That's...
The name Adolf Hitler – even half a century after the fall of the Third Reich – continues to evoke disgust, contempt and astonishment. How was it possible for an amateur...
Joseph Plumb Martin (1760 – 1850) was a soldier in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Martin participated in the Battles of Brooklyn, the White Plains...
Fern Cave likes to keep its secrets. It features over 15 miles of passage, a 437-foot-deep pit, and 18 distinct levels. Fern Cave is a complex three-dimensional maze of deep pits,...