Alice In Wonderland
  • By Lewis Carroll
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Alice falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar creatures: The Dodo, The Lory, The Eaglet, The Duchess and many others. She takes advice from a...

Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience
  • By William Blake
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Songs of Innocence and of Experience is a collection of poems by William Blake showing the two contrary states of the human soul. Poems from both books have been set to music by...

The Grand Babylon Hotel
  • By Arnold Bennett
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The protagonists are an American millionaire, Theodore Racksole, and his daughter Nella. While staying at the supremely exclusive Grand Babylon Hotel, Nella asks for a steak and...

The Duel: English And Russian Language Edition
  • By Anton Chekhov
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

This edition features Anton Chekhov's The Duel in both English and Russian languages for those interested in advancing language skills, learning or simply digging into finer...

Moll Flanders
  • By Daniel Defoe
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Moll Flanders, born in Newgate, and during a life of continued variety was twelve year a whore, five times a wife (whereof once to her own brother), twelve year a thief, eight...

Rico And Wiseli
  • By Johanna Spyri
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Rico was almost nine years old, and had been to school for two winters. Up there in the mountains there was no school in the summer-time; for then the teacher had his field to...

The Lion's Share
  • By Arnold Bennett
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Audrey had just closed the safe in her father’s study when she was startled by a slight noise. She turned like a defensive animal to face danger. It had indeed occurred to her...

Father Goriot
  • By Honoré De Balzac
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Balzac's masterpiece novel follows lives of three central characters: the law student Eugene de Rastignac, a mysterious agitator named Vautrin, and an elderly retired...

The Trembling Of A Leaf: Little Stories Of The South Sea Islands
  • By William Somerset Maugham
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The Pacific is inconstant and uncertain like the soul of man. Sometimes it is grey like the English Channel off Beachy Head, with a heavy swell, and sometimes it is rough, capped...

The Possessed
  • By Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Publisher: Fyodor Dostoyevsky

This novel by Dostoyevsky is a book that dramatizes the cultural and political troubles of Russia in the mid-19th century. It tells the story of a small cell of nihilist...

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