The Scarlet Pimpernel Looks At The World
  • By Baroness Emmuska Orczy
  • Publisher: Classica Libris

Sir Percy Blakeney comments on the modern world of the 1930s.

  • By Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • Publisher: LBO

In the perfect isolation of the Amazon, three American men discover a community of women living there, they're totally upset: how these women can survive without the...

Apollonius Of Tyana
  • By G. R. S. Mead
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

To the student of the origins of Christianity there is naturally no period in Western history of greater interest and importance than the first century of our era; and yet how...

Roderick Hudson
  • By Henry James
  • Publisher: Classica Libris

This is Henry James’ first full-length novel.Roderick Hudson, egotistical, beautiful and an exceptionally gifted sculptor, but poor, is taken from New England to Rome by...

The Little White Bird Or The First Appearance Of Peter Pan
  • By James Matthew Barrie
  • Publisher: Nobel

A love story? Something like this and much more. The tale of a friendship between a man and childhood. J.M.Barrie, the author, takes us in paths of dream and helps us to find out...

The Absentee
  • By Maria Edgeworth
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Lord Colambre finds that his mother Lady Clonbrony's attempts to buy her way into the high society of London are only ridiculed, while his father, Lord Clonbrony, is in serious...

Clarissa Harlowe
  • By Samuel Richardson
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

I write, because you enjoin me to do so. Love you still!—How can I help it, if I would? You may believe how I stand aghast, your letter communicating the first news—Good God...

The Burglar's Christmas
  • By Willa Cather
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

A beautiful Christmas story of love, forgiveness and uneasy life. Set in Chicago on a bitterly cold Christmas night, William, considers stealing both to satisfy his hunger and to...

The Longest Journey
  • By E. M. Forster
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Rickie Elliot is a student at early 20th century Cambridge, a university that seems like paradise to him, amongst bright if cynical companions, when he receives a visit from two...

A Tramp Abroad
  • By Mark Twain
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The book details Twain's journey with his friend Harris through central and southern Europe. While the stated goal of the journey is to walk most of the way, the men find...

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