Pride And Prejudice
  • By Jane Austen
  • Publisher: David De Angelis

Love is in the air when five sisters discover that a wealthy and eligible bachelor is suddenly within reach. But it is his friend, the haughty Mr. Darcy, who becomes smitten....

The Island Of Sheep
  • By John Buchan
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Hannay is called by an old oath to protect the son of a man he once knew, who is also heir to the secret of a great treasure. He obtains help from Sandy Arbuthnot, now Lord...

Ghostly Tales: A Haunted House
  • By Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Within the last eight years—the precise date I purposely omit—I I was ordered by my physician, my health being in an unsatisfactory state, to change my residence to one upon...

Zuleika Dobson: An Oxford Love Story
  • By Max Beerbohm
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

A devastatingly attractive young woman of the Edwardian era Zuleika Dobson, a true femme fatale, something of a small-time celebrity, manages to gain entrance to the privileged,...

The Gift Of The Magi
  • By O. Henry
  • Publisher: Ali RIbelli Edizioni

O. Henry's classic tale of the wisest gifts of Christmas now available in a refined digital layout.In a shabby New York flat, Della sobs as she counts the few coins she has...

In Mary’s Reign
  • By Baroness Emmuska Orczy
  • Publisher: Classica Libris

First published under the title In Mary’s Reign in 1901, it was re-released under the title The Tangled Skein in 1907.In this historical novel, Queen Mary is characterized...

The Moneychangers
  • By Upton Sinclair
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Montague, a member of the elite class of New York witnesses insider trading and manipulation of the stock market by a high financier Dan Waterman who is motivated by revenge. A...

In A Glass Darkly: Green Tea
  • By Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Though carefully educated in medicine and surgery, I have never practised either. The study of each continues, nevertheless, to interest me profoundly. Neither idleness nor...

Moby-dick: The Whale
  • By Herman Melville
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Moby-Dick, one of the Great American Novels and a treasure of world literature, follows the adventures of wandering sailor Ishmael, and Captain Ahab who seeks out Moby Dick, a...

The Odd Women
  • By George Gissing
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Alice and Virginia Madden move to London and renew their friendship with Rhoda, an unmarried bluestocking. She is living with the also unmarried Mary Barfoot, and together they...

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