The Chameleon
  • By Anton Chekhov
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Khryukin, a drunkard, has had his finger snapped by a small dog (according to one witness, after thrusting a cigarette stub into the latter). The policeman Ochyumelov's attitude...

The Life And Adventures Of Santa Claus
  • By L. Frank Baum
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Santa Claus, as a baby is found in the Forest of Burzee and placed in the care of the lioness Shiegra. The Wood Nymph, Necile, breaks the law of the forest and takes the baby...

The Trumpet Major
  • By Thomas Hardy
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Set in Wessex during the Napoleonic Wars The Trumpet Major is Hardy's historical masterpiece skilfully depicting local life, fears of the press gang, invasion, the beauty of...

Anna On The Neck
  • By Anton Chekhov
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

A poor girl, gymnasium student, with five brothers, marries a rich state official who counts every single piece of bread, demands from her subserviance and gratitude, is scornful...

Clarissa: The History Of A Young Lady (complete Vol 1-9)
  • By Samuel Richardson
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The following History is given in a series of letters, written Principally in a double yet separate correspondence; Between two young ladies of virtue and honor, bearing an...

White Nights And Other Stories
  • By Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

White Nights, a sentimental story from the diary of a dreamer, is told in first person by a nameless narrator who lives alone in St. Petersburg and suffers from loneliness and the...

The Black Dwarf
  • By Walter Scott
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The story is set just after the Union of Scotland and England, in the Liddesdale hills of the Scottish Borders, familiar to Scott from his work collecting ballads for The...

The Magician
  • By William Somerset Maugham
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Maugham wrote The Magician in London, after he had spent some time living in Paris, where he met Aleister Crowley. In this tale, the magician of the title, Oliver Haddo, a...

A Joke
  • By Anton Chekhov
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

There was a sharp snapping frost and the curls on Nadenka's temples and the down on her upper lip were covered with silvery frost. She was holding my arm and we were standing on a...

Anna Karenina
  • By Lev Tolstoj
  • Publisher: Lev Tolstoj

Anna Karenina is a novel by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoj, published in serial installments from 1873 to 1877 in the periodical The Russian Messenger. Tolstoj clashed with editor...

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