In this, the final tale of The Nandia Trilogy, the Galactic Grand Council confirms that Nandia has gone missing. Bernard struggles within himself to gather enough information to...
This story is of a time beyond the memory of man, before the beginning of history, a time when one might have walked dryshod from France (as we call it now) to England, and when a...
Freddy Funke's back in prison, but not for long. The feds want him to hunt down Lily, and Hollywood wants him to be a star. If they can bust him out, this one-time...
A global financial collapse is caused by hostile nations freezing assets, and the end of the credit system. The Panic, which is followed by The Purple Death. The War in the Air,...
I had seen the Magic Shop from afar several times; I had passed it once or twice, a shop window of alluring little objects, magic balls, magic hens, wonderful cones, ventriloquist...
An English scientist and gentleman inventor living in Victorian England reveals to his weekly dinner guests that time is simply a fourth dimension, and his demonstration of a...
It began years and years ago, with a revision of the Microlepidoptera (whatever these may be) by Pawkins, in which he extinguished a new species created by Hapley. Hapley, who was...
Edward Prendick, an Englishman with a scientific education survives a shipwreck in the southern Pacific Ocean. A passing ship takes him aboard, and a man named Montgomery revives...
The excellent Mr. Morris was an Englishman, and he lived in the days of Queen Victoria the Good. He was a prosperous and very sensible man; he read the Times and went to church,...
The canoe was now approaching the land. The bay opened out, and a gap in the white surf of the reef marked where the little river ran out to the sea; the thicker and deeper green...