One of the best novel ever written about Love and Passion...
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling is a collection of stories, published between 1893 and 1894, where adventure, exoticism and friendship are central topics.Mowgli the “man...
"The Wisdom of Father Brown" (1914) is a collection of twelve stories by G.K. Chesterton, featuring his empathetic detective Father Brown. Sherlock Holmes might be...
“The Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest. The flood had made, the wind was nearly calm, and being bound down the...
The destruction of Atlantis was accomplished by a series of catastrophes varying in character from great cataclysms in which whole territories and populations perished, to...
Tom, marito e padre di famiglia, si ritrova depresso e più vecchio di quanto non dimostri. La moglie Rose mal lo sopporta, i figli, sempre lontani, lo snobbano, il lavoro non lo...
Originally the elephant had a short nose the size of a boot, flexible but useless for grasping things. One little elephant was insatiably inquisitive. He asked so many questions...
Leila and her compatriots quietly hide from the Horde, trying to figure out what their next plan of action will be. When Leila goes out scouting and hunting, she encounters a...
Iuvenilio and Iuvenilia are cousins. Their family, native of Kentucky, moves overseas owing to the turbulent political situation, ending up on Saint Martin's hills. Over...
Would you rather be an angel than a God? Miss Stephen Norman and Harold An Wolf are sitting in the graveyard of their town's church, eavesdropping on the conversation of two...