Did you ever stop to think that the human mind is the only thing you know of that can comprehend the meaning of life? This means that somewhere back in your mind there is a place...
You understand it is time to make healthy changes in your life and that’s why you are here. This visualization meditation can help you:• Eat Less• Lose Weight...
Do you ever find yourself stressed, anxious, or just mentally exhausted? Unfortunately, when you’re stressed out and you’re not mentally calm it can even affect your physical...
Developing Yourself Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Life and Work and Self-TherapyDo you have a definite idea on what you want in life? For most of us the answer is going to be somewhat...
Between the busy world and constantly beeping cell phone in your pocket, it may seem impossible to stay focused throughout the day.Although it certainly is a challenge to stay...
In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris and Joseph Goldstein answer questions about the practice of mindfulness. They discuss negative emotions, the importance of...
'Discover How To Re-Program Yourself To Develop A Greater Focus And Achieve Your Dreams!'These Tips Will Move You Forwards Towards Becoming The Person You Want To Be. Don't Let...
Ho’oponopono LSP© Lego® Serious Play® based conflict management Create metaphors of their identities and narrate experiences in a millenary Hawaiian practice to solve...
In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Daniel Goleman and Richard J. Davidson about the current scientific understanding of meditation practice. They...
Just below the diaphragm and the ribcage, above the navel, there is a nerve junction known as the solar plexus. The nerves of this plexus radiate out like the rays of the sun.This...