As we meditate, we remember, rediscover, relearn and restore our wellbeing.Experience these practical commentaries to develop a powerful link with your true identity as a...
Learn how meditation and a busy lifestyle go together. Presented by Sister Jayanti and Mike George, this set is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of meditation. The...
The Akashic Records are like a big library in the sky that your spirit stores its information in.It has revealed that certain classes of beings can manipulate the Akashic Records....
The Meaning of Surah 24 An-Nur The Light (La Luz) From Holy Quran (El Sagrado Corán) Bilingual Edition In English And Spanish Languange. Surah An-Nur (The Light) is the 24th sura...
Millions of people around the world are looking for the solutions to their problems, struggling to find happiness, success and peace of mind.Gratitude is the answer.Gratitude...
With the pressures of modern daily-life, many of us have forgotten how to relax properly, yet relaxation can have many benefits for our health and wellbeing. As well as helping...
"Positive Thinking" by Brahma Khumaris offers its listeners a guided, musical meditation to help them unwind, relax, and let go of their stress. Follow the instructions and you...
In creating this divine meditation music, particular attention was given to the Indian Flute, the sounds of which transport the mind to a far away place of comfort and healing....
What we think comes true... Anthony Strano’s wealth of experimentation and experience from over twenty years of practising spirituality in life comes through powerfully in these...