For the first time Finding Inner Courage (previously titled Facing the Lion, Being the Lion) is available on audio and will coincide with its trade paperback reissue and the audio...
“If you want to know why Harriet Lerner is one of my great heroes, Why Won’t You Apologize? is the answer. This book is a game changer.” —Brené Brown,...
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...and It's All Small Stuff is an audiobook that tells you how to keep from letting the little things in life drive you crazy. In thoughtful and...
Work smarter, not harder Executives pay $300 an hour for Jeffrey J. Mayer to clear their desks and organize their offices. Now in this hands-on, result-oriented program, he...
This audio program is your guide for balancing and surviving the stresses of work and family. It will tell you how to make small daily changes. It will help you determine your top...
From New York Times bestselling author and beloved Today show coanchor Hoda Kotb, an “inspirational page-turner” (Daily News, New York) about people who find their...
New York Times mega-bestselling author of The Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav takes a giant leap forward in his message, with this guide to the next level of spiritual growth."THE...
From the son of Dr. Phil McGraw comes Life Strategies for Teens, the New York Times bestselling guide to teenage success, and the first guide to teenage life that won’t tell...
The Sequel to the Million-Copy Classic that Revolutionized Employee Engagement How do great managers inspire top performance in employees? How do they generate enthusiasm, unite...
Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki are both concerned. Their concern is that the rich are getting richer but America is getting poorer. Like the polar ice caps, the middle class is...