Timaeus is one of Plato's dialogues, mostly in the form of a long monologue given by the title character Timaeus of Locri, written c. 360 BC.Plato (424/423 – 348/347 BC)...
Ethan Allen (1738-1789) was a farmer, businessman, land speculator, philosopher, writer, lay theologian, and American Revolutionary War patriot, hero, and politician. He is best...
The Statesman (also known by its Latin title, Politicus) is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato.The text depicts a conversation among Socrates, the mathematician Theodorus,...
The subject of education was one to which Nietzsche, especially during his residence in Basel, paid considerable attention, and his insight into it was very much deeper than that...
Julius Caesar, holding the election as dictator, was himself appointed consul with Publius Servilius; for this was the year in which it was permitted by the laws that he should be...
"The Antichrist" is a philosophical book by Friedrich Nietzsche, first published in 1895. In this work, Christianity (Religion of Peace) is despised by Nietzsche. in...
"The Satires" (Latin: Satirae or Sermones) is a collection of satirical poems written by the Roman poet, Horace. Composed in dactylic hexameters, the Satires explore the...
The Sophist is a Platonic dialogue from the philosopher's late period, most likely written in 360 BC. Its main theme is to identify what a sophist is and how a sophist differs...
On the Heavens is Aristotle's chief cosmological treatise: written in 350 BC it contains his astronomical theory and his ideas on the concrete workings of the terrestrial...
In Praise of Folly is an essay written in Latin in 1509 by Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam and first printed in 1511. Inspired by previous works of the Italian humanist Faustino...