Kids bickering? Schedule jam-packed? Dishes and laundry both piled up high? Perhaps it's time you pressed pause and took a moment for yourself. Pressing Pause offers you a calm...
Vanishing Grace explores how Christians live in the middle of hostility and rejection today. Philip Yancey delves into the reasons for the hostility and gives us models of...
No one has influenced the person you are today like your mother. The way she handled your needs as a child has shaped your worldview, your relationships, your marriage, your...
Two prominent innovators in church planting and church growth express their shared vision for the apostolic---that is, mission-sent---future of the church. They relate inspiring...
Man Enough challenges the idea that there is one way to be a man. The masculinity that pervades our church and culture often demands that men conform to a macho ideal, leaving...
Christine Caine offers life-transforming insights about how not only to overcome the challenges, wrong turns, and often painful circumstances we all experience, but also to...
A Devotional That Dudes Will Actually Read!Is there a connection between hairiness and holiness? Some would say a hearty “Yes!” In fact, the world is in the middle of...
A watershed moment is a turning point in our lives brought on by circumstances which stop us in our tracks. It is defined as a critical turning point. A moment when everything...
The development of meaningful relationships, where every member carries a significant sense of belonging, is central to what it means to be the church. So why do many Christians...
When do you get time for you? Remember when you had a life of your own? The hectic job of being a mom is fraught with sacrifices, fears, and uncertainties. But nothing offers...