Our Lord repeatedly instructed us: "Be not deceived." That is an imperative: a command, not simply a suggestion. But how? What are the tools to prevent our being deceived or...
Do you feel it? Do you know it in your soul? Are you ready for what's coming?Word of the Lord: Prophetic Word for 2020 is a compilation of heartfelt, deeply personal, and...
What if you found a version of faith in God that did not ask you to deny scientific truths or to blindly accept what you consider frankly impossible?Sue Sorensen has walked the...
Accepting Christ as Lord and Savior is the best decision one can make. However, being a Christian does not exempt us from trials and tribulations. In between life's greatest...
A woman shares her anonymous true story of how she was raped by her pastor. Far away from her family and home, a young college girl joins a charismatic Christian fellowship group...
Jesus is still He who heals both soul and body. Salvation offers holiness and healing, and the Holy Spirit is willing to give us a manifestation of His power. When we ask why this...
When did Satan fall?We know that the angels were created prior to the Earth. We find Satan had already fallen in Genesis 3. The mystery is, when did he fall? It appears that there...
The fullness and vigour of Christianity has been in decline in the life of the West, the application of gospel truths often limited to personal evangelism and our personal prayer...
In Hebrew, this book is called dibhere ha-yamim: ''the words concerning the days.'' The Jewish Bible regards the Old Testament as 22 books and Chronicles is counted as a single...
Patrick and Ruth Schwenk, founders of the popular blogs For the Family and The Better Mom, as well as the podcast Rootlike Faith, reveal the unshakeable hope God offers in our...