Revision of physics concepts and problem solving
NASA eClips: Launchpad
These video segments support project-based and problem-based learning experiences in science, mathematics, and career and technical education classrooms.
Hillary Joines (Student Broadcaster) - theSOP Audio Programming
Providing news and information while helping aspiring writers and journalists,
Mr. Arthur's Music Classroom Podcast
Mr. Arthurs music classroom podcast shares our recent events, news, and activities in music class at Smilie memorial School and Richmond Elementary School.
Conquering Success
A results oriented talk show with featuring many of the most successful people in country. How did they become so successful? What is there advice for you? How can YOU Conquer...
Your College Mentor
Your College Mentor is about you, your success and your happiness. Many people go to college but few achieve great success afterward. By listening to each episode you will be...
University of Kentucky Classics 102 Podcast
Various materials for all sections of Classics 102 at the University of Kentucky. The podcasts are a production of the TAs assigned to the sections. Other materials belong to the...