The true story of a single mother's love and perseverance, her son's autism diagnosis with its challenges and gifts, and their triumph together over life's toughest...
Why do some of us get so angry, whilst others remain calm in even the most stressful of situations? This audiobook uncovers the reasons behind our anger, the effects it has on our...
Do you have the uncanny ability to sense exactly what another person is feeling? Are you often told to stop being too sensitive and start having “thicker skin”? Have you ever...
Black men understand that no matter how much money, successes or achievement in education they obtain, white America will always see them as a threat and problem. Black men...
Are you sick and tired of being controlled? Discover how to disarm narcissists and reclaim your freedom.Do you suffer at the hands of a self-centered person? Are you fighting...
Discover How Powerful Manipulators Use Basic Human Emotions to Control AnyoneHumans are emotional beings. Emotions have the power to move us into actions. But what if manipulators...
For millions of kids who live with ADHD, feelings of loneliness, frustration, and helplessness are all too common. This book is specially designed for parents and teachers to help...
Have you ever experienced a situation that made you so livid and angry that your body began to physically shake and seize? Such an apoplectic moment sounds like something you...
How to train your baby to sleep soundly through the night, even if you’re a first-time parent with a very cranky infant.In a child’s first year, parents get 59% less sleep...
"A book about the effects of Ancestral Wounding. $10 could save you 10 years of pain!"This is a story about my life and all of it’s traumatic events. In this book, we will walk...