A practical book designed to help you prepare for job interviews in English. Contains 97 most common job interview questions and 12 interview templates on a variety of...
Are you completely new to programming? If not then we presume you will be looking for information about why and how to get started with Python. Fortunately an experienced...
From Richard Florida, author of the bestselling books The Rise of the Creative Class and Who’s Your City?, comes a book that frames the economic meltdown of 2008–09...
Introducing French to children aged 6 and up, this audiobook will help little learners to develop a broad range of vocabulary across a range of topics, understand essential...
Desenvolve o seu Inglês de modo divertida através de cruzadas. O idioma inglês é nos apresentado frequentemente na sua forma escrita. Pense: testes, (vestibular) exames,...
This book contains all the tables used in SAP MM. Specially useful for MM Consultants.
This tutorial focuses on presenting various performance tuning tips and tricks to make the ABAP programs efficient in doing their work. This tutorial also assumes that the reader...
The play is set in a duchy in France, but most of the action takes place in a location called the Forest of Arden. Arden, Warwickshire, near Shakespeare's home town, which was the...
DevOps is a cultural and professional movement that's trying to break these walls. Focused on automation, collaboration, tool sharing and knowledge sharing, DevOps has been...
Especially designed for speakers of Brazilian Portuguese, contrasts American English and Brazilian Portuguese phonological traits. Includes numerous practical exercises.