Each week well talk with a new member of Practical Farmers of Iowa. Well hear from young and old; new and experienced; small and large; horticulture, livestock and row-crop...
This is the Personal Branding for the LGBTQ Professional Podcast where youll learn how to do business with and market to the LGBT community in an authentic and transparent way....
Buckle Up for some bull s**t. Hello and welcome to the gayest hour of your week! We see you, sitting there wondering why two flawless narcissists think they should be talking...
This podcast is about people going for their passion and dreams. We discuss the good, bad and ugly about what it takes to go for your dreams. We talk to small business owners,...
soddom,kee,konoyhaytoh,cadiisi arbaqiinik,tacadiis,edde,yabam,muslimti muslimtul,lecakki,tonnah,tacadiis,edde yaabam muslimtuh,yannum abu caraamah taniimi isitoo bokoytay...
Labatanna kee malcin haytoh cadiisiy maqane kee umane kinnim neh warsa maqane kak yaanam caalat maqane kinni danbi kaayaanam nabsi kok ticissaama
labaatannaa kee sagal,haytoh cadiisi- arbaqiin,cadiisik:tacadiis,edde–yaabam meqetaamoomiy,num,jannat,-culussaah girakkaa,tayxeexeh,iyya,yalli-elle-iyyennal...
Saynum wagsissah tan cukmitteh baxxaqisiyya soom baabal ,tonnah tafturem teetih xiqsissah tan quzritte (sababitte)
Salat cine num kee salat caba numih cukmit yabta Mucaadara.
Saynum islaminnak dumal geyak sugteh tan gidbaabinitte celalliyoh :nuwwih tet aagaquk sugen, nagrat tet haak masuginnon, .islaminna temeteek gamadal too gidbaa binitte tet amok...