The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America: The Missing Skeletons And The Great Smithsonian Cover-up

“The Ancient Giants who Ruled America is a treasure trove for alternative history and archaeology buffs…This book was an eye-opener, both in its subject matter and...

Hypnotherapy Healing

'Many People Are Not Aware Of All The Different FormsAvailable For Healing!!'You really need to pay attention to this…There are 100s of 1000s of searches made on the Net weekly...

Proof Of Life After Life: 7 Reasons To Believe There Is An Afterlife

“This gem of a book by Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry is an excellent resource filled with grounded research and case studies that provide further evidence of the eternal...

Highly Effective Quarantine Habits: How To Develop Powerful Habits While You're Quarantined. Positive Habits, Quarantine Routine And Productive Things To Do To Manage Stress During Lockdown Isolation

MOTIVATION GETS YOU STARTED, GOOD HABITS KEEP YOU GOING!Have you ever thought about what it’s like to be a super successful person?What do they do differently that makes them...

Stoicism: Stoic Way Of Life, Stoicism Philo-sophy & Wisdom. Create Life Long Habits Of Mental Toughness, Self Discipline. Master Self Confidence. Control ... Management And Jelousy

Are you constantly feeling bad for your actions when you get upset or angry, but you can’t seem to control the emotions that take over you at times?If these all sound like...

Yoga & Chakras: 3 Books In 1: Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali, Third Eye Awakening & Chakra Healing For Beginners. Balance The Chakras, Unleash Your Third Eye And Healing Yourself With An Essential Guide To The Heart Of Yoga Phylosophy

Are you an individual struggling with finding a perfect way for meditation? Do you seek knowledge about Chakras?Did you know that you have a third eye? Are you aware of its...

Overcoming Fear Bundle, 2 In 1 Bundle: Work Without Fear And Fear, Go!

Overcoming Fear Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Work Without Fear and Fear, Go!Fear is a strong emotion, an instinctive reaction that we're endowed with to ensure the survival of our...

Can't Stop Thinking: Discover Tips On How To Let Go Of Anxiety And Liberate Yourself From Obsessive Thoughts

Can't Stop Thinking: Discover Tips on How to Let Go of Anxiety and Liberate Yourself from Obsessive ThoughtsEach and every person has some anxiety at some point in life. Natural...

Origins Of The Sphinx: Celestial Guardian Of Pre-pharaonic Civilization

“For a quarter-century, Schoch’s analysis of weathering at Giza and Bauval’s archaeoastronomic discoveries have challenged the consensus on prehistory, not...

Play Your Way Sane: 120 Improv-inspired Exercises To Help You Calm Down, Stop Spiraling And Embrace Uncertainty

Stop negative thoughts, assuage anxiety, and live in the moment with these fun, easy games from improv expert Clay Drinko.If you’ve been feeling lost lately, you’re...

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