Real Estate Investor Huddle



Real Estate Investor Huddle, helping real estate investors hit acceleration, eliminate distraction and avoid disaster. Featuring masterminds and in-depth conversations with some of the top investors and experts from around the country, you'll get actionable strategies and tactics to grow your real estate investing business, focus on systems and profits while preventing costly mistakes and setbacks. Hosted by Gary Boomershine, real estate investor, Fortune 500 consultant and CEO of


  • How to Build a Business that Brings You Freedom w/Javier Hinojo

    28/06/2019 Duration: 33min

    Building a business should give you freedom you didn’t have before. How can you make sure you’re building effectively? What steps can you take to protect yourself from failure? On this episode, IQ Real Estate Investing CEO, Javier Hinojo, shares the steps he’s taken and how they’ve helped him along his journey.   3 Things We Learned From Javier Hinojo   Be persistent Never give up or allow yourself to stop trying. You have to keep pushing through all the challenges thrown your way. Giving up shouldn’t be an option. Remember, the harder you work, the luckier you’ll get.   Always be ready to fire yourself Leveraging other people’s time and resources is vital if you want to grow your business. Aim to work as little as possible by setting up systems and teams that don’t take up too much of your time.   Look for the downside We’re constantly reminded to stay positive and look at the bright side, but there are times to consider the opposite. Look for all the things that could go wrong and protect yourself according

  • How to Become Your Own Bank w/Chris Naugle

    21/06/2019 Duration: 31min

    While everyone wants to be successful, most of the time what holds us back is our fear that we don’t have enough time or money to get started. How can you overcome that belief? How can you become your own bank? On this episode, I’m speaking to co-founder and CEO of FlipOut Academy and Money School, author and fellow podcaster, Chris Naugle about how to access money as an investor.   3 Things We Learned From Chris Naugle After years of favorable market conditions, we need to start preparing for an inevitable shift. The shift coming will have the ability to hurt a lot of businesses, so it’s best to start preparing for it now. Raise money to protect yourself now, so you have it before you need it. The best place you can invest is in real estate. This is because, even if the market crashes, real estate cannot go to zero. Even in the event of a natural disaster, insurance will cover it. Invest in real estate to ensure you have an asset to sell if and when you need to. Alongside time, one of the biggest things hol

  • How to Dominate Multiple Markets w/Raphael Vargas

    14/06/2019 Duration: 30min

    To build an empire, your business needs to dominate more than one location. Is it possible to do that without physically being in the markets you expand into? How would it affect your current marketing strategy? On this episode, Raphael Vargas of Ace Equity Pros and Ace Estates Group is here to share how he’s managed to dominate multiple markets. 3 Things We Learned From Raphael Vargas By virtually operating certain parts of your business, and contracting local agents to do checks on listings, you don’t need to be physically present in every one of your markets. There is so much technology at your disposal that make remote operations possible. If you’re signing deals in another market, there is always a risk that you might miss something that would have made you second guess the decision. Make sure your clients know this from the start. This way, you safeguard your business without your integrity coming into question. You don’t need a massive campaign to dominate multiple markets. All you need is a basic str

  • How to Stop Your Business From Turning into a Full-time Job w/Mark Dolfini

    07/06/2019 Duration: 35min

    One of the biggest issues in real estate entrepreneurship is that most of us end up turning it into a full-time job, despite getting into the business for passive income and freedom. How do we stop this from happening? Why is it so necessary to have a plan in place? On this episode, author of The Time-Wealthy Investor, Mark Dolfini, shares why time is the most precious resource we have, and how to give ourselves more of it. 3 Things We Learned   Having a good work ethic doesn’t mean you need to do all the work Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you need to be constantly working. Putting in more hours than you’re able to does more than waste your time: it can have a devastating effect on your physical health. Make sure you’re taking time for yourself to recover. It’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity.   Find a coach Coaching is key. Think of your business as you would a family member- you know you love them, but may not be able to express why. You need an outside perspective; someone who can help you find out

  • Why You Need to Be Relentless w/Justin Colby

    31/05/2019 Duration: 24min

    The real estate industry is set to undergo changes as a result of market shifts and new approaches to marketing. How can you stay ahead of the curb? What parts of your marketing strategy should you be adapting? In this episode, Justin Colby shares why you need to be relentless in your approach.   3 Things You'll Learn: While we’re not necessarily headed for a recession or a financial crisis, be aware that the market is changing. Buyers are becoming more finicky, and the market has stopped appreciating. Make sure you’re approaching clients from multiple platforms. By having a diverse strategy, you’ll be able to surround your client with your message. Even when clients don’t seem happy with an offer, send it to them. By doing this, you have a guarantee of further communication.

  • How to Make Great Cold Calls w/Brent Daniels

    10/05/2019 Duration: 32min

    Cold calling is vital if you want to be successful in real estate. How can you prepare yourself for making the calls? What important things do you need to remember when you’re cold calling? In this episode, I talk with real estate coach Brent Daniels to hear his advice for making cold calls.   3 Things We Learned From Brent Daniels When cold calling, you’ll notice there are 6 general answers you’ll receive: yes, no, maybe in the future, how much will you give me?, how did you get my number?, and who are you? If you can be prepared with an answer for each of these, you’ll be on the right track. Going into something like cold calls unprepared is like trying to find a million dollars while blindfolded. Find someone who can guide you, and make sure you’re executing cold calls effectively. If you’re cold calling, you need to make sure you’re doing it the right way. Your conversations have to be high-quality to be effective. Ensure you have a good script and that you’re having conversations with prospective client

  • How to Build a High-Performing Team Part 2 w/Julia Jordan

    03/05/2019 Duration: 31min

    When you’re running a business and it feels like it’s just chaotic and overwhelming, it’s time to take a long hard look at the culture and change it. What are some of the characteristics that define a high-performing, well-run team? What are the changes you need to implement in your team, and the things everyone needs to be clear on? On this episode, my excellent operations specialist, Julia Jordan, and I continue our discussion about how to build the culture, team, and accountability to scale up a business.   3 Things You'll Learn: Decide what you want to achieve over a 3 or 5 year period. You can also break it down even further and think about what you want to have achieved a year from today. When you give yourself time parameters, you get a clearer idea of what you need to be achieving on a monthly and weekly basis.   As a business owner, you need to have a very clear vision of who you are and what you want to achieve. Without this clarity, you’ll be more likely to miss targets and your business will fa

  • How to Build a High-Performing Team w/Julia Jordan

    25/04/2019 Duration: 36min

    When you’re running a business and it feels like it’s just chaotic and overwhelming, it’s time to take a long hard look at the culture and change it. What are some of the characteristics that define a high-performing, well-run team? What are the changes you need to implement in your team, and the things everyone needs to be clear on? On this episode, I talk with my excellent operations specialist, Julia Jordan, about how to build a great culture, team, and accountability to scale up a business.   3 Things You'll Learn: You should never have to push the vision, mission, direction and measurables of a team on them. It should be the natural outcome of you doing what you’re supposed to, and implementing the right things. In a high-performing business, everyone should know that there is upside growth and opportunity in the organization, they should never feel like there’s a glass ceiling. You should always show your willingness to create opportunities for them to grow. A high-performing team isn’t run in an urgen

  • How to Master Your Life Balance

    19/04/2019 Duration: 44min

    We’ve all heard that we need to achieve work-life balance, but that’s easier said than done. How can you create a life of balance for yourself? Can it allow you to be financially stable? On this episode, I’m speaking to an REIvault member who has achieved great success in his full-time position in finance, as well as his secondary business in real estate.   3 Things You'll Learn: Time management and prioritization are key Your morning routine sets the tone for your day. Make the most of it Visualize what you want to achieve Make sure your work fits in around your personal life— not the other way around. Prioritize and manage your time, and visualize the life you want. It’s all within your reach if you take a moment to breathe.

  • How to Leverage People and Build a Monster Team w/Jeff Cohn

    12/04/2019 Duration: 32min

    Many aspiring business owners have bought into the idea that they have to work around the clock to build wealth and a successful team— but that’s not the case. How can you leverage people’s time so that you don’t have to work yourself to the bone? What does it take to build a successful team and bring the right people on board? How do you keep those people engaged in the organization? On this episode, I’m joined by Jeff Cohn, the founder of Omaha’s Elite and host of the Team Building podcast. Jeff shares how he built a strong team of loyal, hardworking, and driven people.   3 Things You'll Learn: As a team leader, you have two categories of “clients”: the talent you need to retain, and the clients they serve. You can offset your lead generation and marketing costs with money from people who work within the same real estate transaction ecosystem. The mindset of a true leader is to focus on the highest-value tasks and activities. For everything else, find the right people to leverage who can do those ta

  • Why Your Business Needs a Dedicated ISA

    04/04/2019 Duration: 21min

    If you’re successfully generating leads but can’t seem to convert them, there’s a very important link missing in your business. What is the purpose of an ISA, and why are they so important to your business? What are the resources you should be leveraging? What metrics do you need to be tracking when it comes to phone calls? On this episode, I talk about a key hire you should have on your team.   3 Things You'll Learn: A dedicated ISA can talk to sellers all day long, ask the right questions, build rapport, find motivation and set appointments. Use the term "property", not "home". The person you’re calling might have multiple homes, and the term "home" usually suggests an emotional attachment. An ISA using a manual dialer can make 100-120 calls a day. Using an autodialer, they can call 250-350. The #1 reason people aren’t converting and making a ton of money is they do not have a dedicated sales function. An ISA allows you to leverage your time, and they can be dedicated to a very important aspect of your bu

  • Deal Sourcing & How to Connect With Lenders w/Ross Hamilton

    28/03/2019 Duration: 34min

    Many people in real estate investing feel like their funding sources are running out, but with the right connections, you can easily overcome this obstacle. How does the Connected Investor help investors looking for lenders? What are some of the key things we need in order to be lender-ready? How can we avoid scammers online? On this episode, Ross Hamilton shares on building a platform that facilitates loans for real estate investors, and growing a subscriber base of 800,000.   Three Things We Learned   Why right now is the best time to approach lenders Borrowers have a lot more options than they could have ever had to get funding. It’s getting harder to find deals, and lenders are having a harder time finding borrowers. They have so much money they want to get in the hands of the right people.   Why getting into investing without any skin in the game is a mistake Lenders like to see a little skin in the game, so for your first deal, borrow money from a friend or family member, and then once you’ve done

  • Steve Richards, Part 2: How to Cast a Strong Business Vision & Overlay the Right Core Values on Our Business Model

    07/03/2019 Duration: 43min

    Many real estate entrepreneurs are slaves to the business because they don’t have leverage or strong core values and systems. What’s the difference between someone who turns this work into a business, and someone who just stays stuck in the grind and hustle? How do we build a culture where our people are loyal, accountable and hardworking? When it comes to hiring, how do we make sure we’re actually doing it right? On this episode, Steve Richards and I have a conversation about turning a real estate job into a business.   3 Things You'll Learn   The power of tracking everything You need to constantly be tracking your numbers and metrics in the business. If you build your systems and track them very well, it will be easy to see what is and isn’t working. You’ll easily figure out where the problems lie, whether it’s the list, the mail or the person doing the calls.   How to build a standard to hold hires accountable to Start documenting what you’re doing before you hire someone. It gets you very clear on what ne

  • Steve Richards, Part 1: How to Cast a Strong Business Vision & Overlay the Right Core Values on Our Business Model

    07/03/2019 Duration: 43min

    Many real estate entrepreneurs are slaves to the business because they don’t have leverage or strong core values and systems. What’s the difference between someone who turns this work into a business, and someone who just stays stuck in the grind and hustle? How do we build a culture where our people are loyal, accountable and hardworking? When it comes to hiring, how do we make sure we’re actually doing it right? On this episode, Steve Richards and I have a conversation about turning a real estate job into a business.   3 Things You'll Learn   The power of tracking everything You need to constantly be tracking your numbers and metrics in the business. If you build your systems and track them very well, it will be easy to see what is and isn’t working. You’ll easily figure out where the problems lie, whether it’s the list, the mail or the person doing the calls.   How to build a standard to hold hires accountable to Start documenting what you’re doing before you hire someone. It gets you very clear on what ne

  • Generating Listing Leads With Snap Offers & Selling 664 Units in a Year w/Erik Hatch

    24/02/2019 Duration: 33min

    The golden goose in real estate is listing leads, and having a defined system for generating leads. How did Erik Hatch solve this pain point with Snap Offers? Why is it so powerful to offer sellers more than one option when it comes to price? Why are people the basis of every successful business? On this episode, I’m joined by Realtor, broker, coach and investor, Erik Hatch to talk about how he’s using instant offers to drive lead generation. 3 Things We Learned The importance of people A lot of times people think that systems and strategies are the foundation of a business, but the foundation of any business are the people that comprise it. If you have the right people, the rest inherently easier. The biggest differentiator of Snap Offers Most instant offer platforms don’t offer the seller two prices. Snap Offers gives the customer the option of an investor price which allows them to opt out of dealing with open houses, viewings etc. How to stay ahead of the game in this real estate market One of the ways

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