Real Estate Investor Huddle

Deal Sourcing & How to Connect With Lenders w/Ross Hamilton



Many people in real estate investing feel like their funding sources are running out, but with the right connections, you can easily overcome this obstacle. How does the Connected Investor help investors looking for lenders? What are some of the key things we need in order to be lender-ready? How can we avoid scammers online? On this episode, Ross Hamilton shares on building a platform that facilitates loans for real estate investors, and growing a subscriber base of 800,000.   Three Things We Learned   Why right now is the best time to approach lenders Borrowers have a lot more options than they could have ever had to get funding. It’s getting harder to find deals, and lenders are having a harder time finding borrowers. They have so much money they want to get in the hands of the right people.   Why getting into investing without any skin in the game is a mistake Lenders like to see a little skin in the game, so for your first deal, borrow money from a friend or family member, and then once you’ve done