Real Estate Investor Huddle

How to Build a High-Performing Team w/Julia Jordan



When you’re running a business and it feels like it’s just chaotic and overwhelming, it’s time to take a long hard look at the culture and change it. What are some of the characteristics that define a high-performing, well-run team? What are the changes you need to implement in your team, and the things everyone needs to be clear on? On this episode, I talk with my excellent operations specialist, Julia Jordan, about how to build a great culture, team, and accountability to scale up a business.   3 Things You'll Learn: You should never have to push the vision, mission, direction and measurables of a team on them. It should be the natural outcome of you doing what you’re supposed to, and implementing the right things. In a high-performing business, everyone should know that there is upside growth and opportunity in the organization, they should never feel like there’s a glass ceiling. You should always show your willingness to create opportunities for them to grow. A high-performing team isn’t run in an urgen