Empowered Empaths

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 48:35:12
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It's time to look at being highly sensitive as a strength. Emotions are powerful. Join us to learn how to inspire them, utilize them to be of service, and live freely as your most authentic self. Our most popular series on Mental Health News Radio is now its own podcast. Tune in, join in, spread the word - but most of all - feel inspired and empowered about your highly empathic self.


  • Inside The World of a Spiritual Intuitive: Dispelling the Myths, Misconceptions and Fallacies

    19/11/2020 Duration: 44min

    On this edition of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and Martha welcome Spiritual Intuitive, Mediumand Healer Deborah Hendrickson. She gives us a close up look into her journey to becomingan intuitive counselor and medium and one of the most sought after readers around. As abeliever that we all have abilities, Deborah seeks to educate people and guide them to discovertheir own inherent power and be their own healer and guide. We also discuss the practice ofmediumship and how it can provide peace and closure for those who have lost loved ones. Wetalk about how it works and that not all mediums, and psychics for that matter, are createdequal. Deborah Hendrickson, born in Baltimore, MD, grew up in Chattanooga, TN, and now resides in the beautiful and magical mountains of Western North Carolina. Deborah hails from a lineage of psychics, mediums, and healers. After growing up working to suppress her abilities, and trying to live a 'normal life,'  Deborah couldn't ignore what was truly her purpose in life. After many year

  • Empaths are a Powerful Mirror

    12/11/2020 Duration: 51min

    Join Martha and Kristin for a powerful show about being a mirror and how to ask questions without resentment.

  • Empaths Be Like....WTF on November 5th of 2020

    05/11/2020 Duration: 56min

    How do you record a show when you have nothing to give? We don't know any empaths that aren't saying, "WTF" right now. Join Kristin and Martha for a show about validating how we feel with a big pick me up at the end.I have been asked repeatedly by friends and clients when all this drama is going to end. Everyone seems to be exhausted on a level that is unprecedented in our human experience. Many of us have struggled to remain optimistic in the face of so much darkness and then feel guilty that we occasionally succumb to our fears. Now is the time to be easy with ourselves, to understand that it’s ok to feel human emotions and fears, after all, we signed up for this assignment and are equipped to pass through the storm with our light intact. Join Kristin and I as we share our experiences and the how we’ve managed to find our way back to sanity and serenity. Yes, it is possible! Love Martha

  • Surviving 2020 Toolkit for Empaths

    04/11/2020 Duration: 50min

    Does it feel as though your last nerve has been trampled on or that breathless anxiety iswaiting to jump you? Are you trying to remember the sensation of serenity? Do you feel like afailure when “everything” finally gets to you and you collapse into fear and anger? If any of thisis relatable, please know that you are part of a very large club called Empaths on Overload. Wehave experienced so much shock, trauma, and uncertainty over the past few years that itsometimes feels mentally and emotionally suffocating. Spiritually, we may be tempted to feel asthough we’ve been abandoned and powerless as though darkness has the upper hand in theworld. The truth is that we are in the process of creating a new reality, one that reflects ourhighest and best selves rather than our lowest inclinations. Big job for sure but we all agreed toincarnate at this time, to contribute our unique talents and gifts to this process. We are not,however, immune to the chaos and fear that accompanies any paradigm shift but we canmanage it

  • The Empathic Male: A Firsthand Account of Life as a Profoundly Sensitive Man

    28/10/2020 Duration: 48min

    In this week’s edition of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and Martha had the pleasure ofinterviewing Joseph Mitsch, a recovered addict and recovery facilitator. In this powerful andenlightening discussion, Joe shares some of the experiences that helped shape his path as anaddict and how being sensitive may have contributed to his difficulties. He also talks abouthow coming to terms with and learning to accept who he is, helped him to overcome his“demons”. Being a male Empath can be a tough road to traverse unless met with kindness,understanding, and mentoring. While our society is more accepting of a female Empath, menmay feel at odds with this identity and many suffer from addiction, depression, and other typesof psychological dysfunction. In this episode, Joe speaks with honesty and compassion, andhope. https://www.mentalhealthnewsradionetwork.com/men-and-mental-health/

  • Shielding: Protecting Ourselves from Man-Made EMF

    21/10/2020 Duration: 42min

    Join Kristin as she speaks to Dr. Laura Koniver, a medical physician and author of "The Earth Prescription: Discover the Healing Power of Nature with Grounding Practices for Every Season."  During a previous show, we discussed grounding and how connecting to the Earth's natural EMF frequencies is beneficial to healing our bodies.  Today they discuss the next step in protecting ourselves, without fear, against the man-made EMF frequencies that often are emitted by technology-related items.  Dr. Koniver brings a comforting feeling to the topic that many are worried about.Laura Koniver, MD, is an artist, author, holistic physician, and internationally recognized grounding advocate.  Koniver has been featured as an expert in four motion pictures about grounding, and is also the author of the children's book, "From the Ground Up."https://www.intuition-physician.com/

  • Spiritual Potpourri: An Honest Conversation About Being an Empath in Today’s World

    07/10/2020 Duration: 01h09min

    This week Kristin and Martha are joined by our friend, Adam Klugman as we discuss thechallenges that the deeply empathetic feel as we navigate through the current societal andcultural landscape. Every day seems to bring new difficulties and outrages and Empaths feel allof it which can feel overwhelming and discouraging. Do we have the spiritual tools to deal withall of this? Can we find a small space of serenity inside ourselves? Are we really able to find joyin the moment and look at the future with hope? Join Kristin, Martha, and Adam for an honestlook at their experiences and how they are learning to thrive in the midst of chaos.A visionary creator, a gifted facilitator, and a charismatic speaker, Adam Klugman is an American thought leader on a mission to cultivate the Human Brand. One audience at a time, one workshop at a time, Adam demonstrates how each of us can make a bold claim on our core value in a way that unleashes our unique gift on the world. Adam is also an award-winning Creative Director and M

  • Constructs: What They Are and How They Can Keep Us Locked Inside Emotional Limitations

    16/09/2020 Duration: 55min

    This week Kristin and Martha discuss the idea that the constructs and how we interpret them,have affected our lives in a subtle but impactful way. Constructs are values, beliefs, opinions, and personal orientations about a particular, non-measurable event. Examples are love, fear,depression. These things cannot be measured or quantified but are identified by behaviors.There are many agreed-upon behaviors that will indicate that a person is “loving” or“depressed” or “afraid” but the accumulation of behaviors do not and cannot give us aconcrete, one size fits all definition of a particular construct but the inferred behavior evokesthe belief that a person is kind or loving. We make sense of our world by identifying behavior inways that we can measure and this week’s discussion asks whether we can and should.

  • What In The World Is Going On In The World?

    09/09/2020 Duration: 47min

    Come join Kristin Walker, Martha Juchnowski, and Ryan McCormick as they share theirthoughts, observations, and perceptions of current events and energies that are prevalent intoday’s world. Ryan McCormick is the host of Outer Limits of Inner Truth here on Mental HealthNewsRadio and shares his thoughtful insights with our audience. They also discuss how to notjust cope, but how to thrive without fear in this sometimes overwhelming world. Join us for alively and thought-provoking stroll through the collective consciousness of fear and into theland of empowerment and hope. And yes, there is hope!

  • Discovering Our True Selves and Abilities By Consciously Interacting With Our Heart Field

    26/08/2020 Duration: 50min

    This edition of Empowered Empaths finds Kristin and Martha discussing how we canaccess our Divine selves through awareness of the Heart Field of Energy. Every human sincethe beginning of time has radiated this energy into their surroundings but up until fairly recently,were not aware of this massive and very powerful field of influence. In order to experience thisprofound phenomenon, we must first be aware of its presence and this can be done bymeditating on the heart space with the intention of conscious connection with it. After a bit ofpractice, we can expand it, contract it, fill it with love, compassion, and all manner of highvibration intention. Superpower? Indeed! Join us for a reminder that we are more than we thinkwe are!

  • Shielding for the Empath: A Different Perspective Taking Us From Fear to Empowerment

    19/08/2020 Duration: 47min

    As an Empath, I have spent most of my life feeling the need to “protect” myself from the energyand influence of the outside world and everyone in it. The threat of intrusion and harm fromoutside sources, from people with bad intentions to darker unseen forces, was enough tocause me to look for protection and help from guides, angels and other supernatural allies. Thefeelings of fear and vulnerability were always present and it wasn’t until all these years later thatI realized that if I approached the idea of protection out of fear, I may be mistaken. My guidesbegan to remind me that any idea, thought or undertaking born in fear, will probably not havethe outcome that was intended. Join us for this discussion of new and different possibilities.

  • The Path of the Soul: One Woman’s Journey to Her Authentic Self

    12/08/2020 Duration: 37min

    On this week’s edition of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and Martha are joined by author and sound healer Mytrae Meliana. In her book "Brown Skin Girl: an Indian American Woman’s Journey from Broken to Beautiful," Mytrae describes how the traditions of her East Indian family impacted her freedom to live as she chose. Coming to America to attend college, Mytrae dealt with massive culture shock but found the opportunity for the expression of her awakening awareness and desire to help people through counseling, Trauma-Informed Sound Healing, and crystal bowl healing. Tune in to hear Mytrae’s compelling story of triumph and evolution. Mytrae Meliana (pronounced “my-thray-yee”) is an award-winning writer, spiritual teacher, speaker, and holistic psychotherapist. She leads workshops for women who desire to heal from trauma, liberate themselves from patriarchy, connect with the Divine Feminine, and create true, bold, inspired lives. When she isn’t working, you might find Mytrae hiking, traveling, or discovering restaur

  • The Way of the Empath: Changing Our Self Perception from Victim to Hero

    06/08/2020 Duration: 47min

    On this episode of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and Martha discuss the messages received from Martha’s guides regarding our spiritual gifts such as being an Empath, Psychic, Healer, and all of the “super” natural abilities we may possess. For too long, we have kept our abilities on the “down-low” out of fear of ridicule, rejection, and being overwhelmed by negative energy and have experienced depression, addiction, and anxiety due to the feeling of being an outsider with no place to fit in the world. Martha’s guides were very insistent that the time has come to perceive ourselves differently, to know that our gifts are our superpower and that we are meant to use them, especially at this time in history. Join us for this exciting and empowering discussion!

  • Sacred Death: Transforming Fear Into a Sacred Rite of Passage

    31/07/2020 Duration: 47min

    In this week’s edition of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and Martha joined in an enlightening and empowering discussion with author and Transformational practitioner, Melody LeBaron. In her new book, “Transforming Death, Creating Sacred Space for the Dying,” Melody discusses how our age-old outlook on death has deprived us of the opportunity to feel and integrate grief and instead has become a fear-ridden process, a seldom discussed event that must be avoided at all costs. Since it cannot be avoided forever, the time has come to take a different perspective on this rite of passage. Melody describes her effort to turn the consciousness of fear surrounding death into a celebration of a life well-lived. We are pleased to bring you an opportunity to abandon fear and enter into hope and peace. Melody has been blessed to live in 30 homes around the US and Canada. The oldest of 7 children, she worked with her mother to pack, unpack, and organize each home. They moved every few years; the one constant was “going home” to

  • Staying Connected to Nature with Grounding

    23/07/2020 Duration: 47min

    We know grounding is extremely important for empaths. You may have heard it as a spiritual practice, but did you know that grounding legitimately has positive effects on the body? Listen to Kristin, and co-host Georgia, speak with Laura Koniver, MD about her book, "The Earth Prescription: Discover the Healing of Nature with Grounding Practices for Every Season," and the benefits of grounding. Spiritually empaths need to stay grounded in order to maintain. Hear how science substantiates these practices and how incredible it can be not only to help you manage energy, but it can also provide substantial health benefits. Even in a metropolitan environment, hear Laura Koniver, MD discuss how to stay grounded.Laura Koniver, MD, is an artist, author, holistic physician, and internationally recognized grounding advocate. Koniver has been featured as an expert in four motion pictures about grounding, and is also the author of the children's book, "From the Ground Up."https://www.intuition-physician.com/

  • Free Form Journey Into Daily Spiritual Awareness

    10/07/2020 Duration: 54min

    In the latest episode of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and Martha follow no script and allow their guides to direct the conversation. They discussed many subjects including answering a question from a Facebook follower, the law of attraction, narcissistic abusers and some of the everyday challenges we face in this uncertain and difficult time. We, however, were born for this time of challenge and uncertainty and can find peace and joy by knowing that we are not here just to survive, but to be the truest and highest self possible. We heal the world by healing ourselves and not running away in fear from the upheaval we currently face. This is a true hero’s journey to be taken in small steps and with awareness. Join us for a great conversation!

  • Symptoms of Enlightenment

    24/06/2020 Duration: 50min

    With so much upheaval and uncertainty in the world, empaths can easily find themselves in a state of exhaustion in body, mind and spirit. Because we tend to feel energy and have the tendency to want to fix things, empaths are easily drained and without consistent self care, may develop illness. On this episode of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and Martha discuss what could be called a sign of the times..emotional and spiritual depletion and some steps to take to replenish your energetic resources. Join us for this timely discussion.

  • Learning to Let Go and Live!

    12/06/2020 Duration: 48min

    In this week’s Empowered Empath Show, Kristin and Martha discuss the importance of self appreciation and the necessity to define and maintain boundaries as a form self love and self respect. When we as Empaths, no longer allow ourselves to be the emotional landfill for those who are unable to manage their emotional needs in a responsible way, we exhaust ourself and our resources while encouraging continued dependence from others. Fostering respect for who you are at your core, an infinite spirit having this human experience, will allow you to inspire respect from others. Join us on this free flowing discussion and gain a different perspective of yourself!

  • Walking In Two Worlds: Can We Be Spiritually Awake and Fully Experience our Humanity?

    09/06/2020 Duration: 48min

    In this edition of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and Martha explore this question with their guest, Dion Gonzales, businessman, entrepreneur and co-developer of an app called www.iRel8.org which allows people to connect with others facing similar life challenges when unable to see a counselor. They discussed how hearing the siren call of your spirit can cause you to feel confusion and a fear of being judged by the people in your life. Once we understand that our spirit’s main objective is to awaken fully to who we are and allow ourselves to be an agent for the changes that are needed to transform the world, we can find a joy and meaning to our lives that we only once imagined.

  • Is There a Blueprint For Conscious Creation?

    25/05/2020 Duration: 51min

    This is a question that Kristin and Martha explore with Kim Stanwood Terranova, author of “The Technology of Intention, Activating the Power of the Universe Within You.” Kim shares her knowing that each of us has the capabilities to create a life based on love and joy by showing us our tools and how to use them. After years of learning opportunities disguised as hardships, Kim shares “The Three Power Pillars” of intention that allowed her to become an authentic teacher of conscious creation. Kim is a master teacher of intentional living, licensed Practitioner of Truth from the Agape international Spiritual Center in Los Angeles and has a bachelor’s degree in Spiritual Studies. Join us on this enlightening journey toward our authentic selves!https://kimstanwoodterranova.com/

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