Empowered Empaths

Empaths Be Like....WTF on November 5th of 2020



How do you record a show when you have nothing to give? We don't know any empaths that aren't saying, "WTF" right now. Join Kristin and Martha for a show about validating how we feel with a big pick me up at the end.I have been asked repeatedly by friends and clients when all this drama is going to end. Everyone seems to be exhausted on a level that is unprecedented in our human experience. Many of us have struggled to remain optimistic in the face of so much darkness and then feel guilty that we occasionally succumb to our fears. Now is the time to be easy with ourselves, to understand that it’s ok to feel human emotions and fears, after all, we signed up for this assignment and are equipped to pass through the storm with our light intact. Join Kristin and I as we share our experiences and the how we’ve managed to find our way back to sanity and serenity. Yes, it is possible! Love Martha