Empowered Empaths

Surviving 2020 Toolkit for Empaths



Does it feel as though your last nerve has been trampled on or that breathless anxiety iswaiting to jump you? Are you trying to remember the sensation of serenity? Do you feel like afailure when “everything” finally gets to you and you collapse into fear and anger? If any of thisis relatable, please know that you are part of a very large club called Empaths on Overload. Wehave experienced so much shock, trauma, and uncertainty over the past few years that itsometimes feels mentally and emotionally suffocating. Spiritually, we may be tempted to feel asthough we’ve been abandoned and powerless as though darkness has the upper hand in theworld. The truth is that we are in the process of creating a new reality, one that reflects ourhighest and best selves rather than our lowest inclinations. Big job for sure but we all agreed toincarnate at this time, to contribute our unique talents and gifts to this process. We are not,however, immune to the chaos and fear that accompanies any paradigm shift but we canmanage it