Empowered Empaths

Inside The World of a Spiritual Intuitive: Dispelling the Myths, Misconceptions and Fallacies



On this edition of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and Martha welcome Spiritual Intuitive, Mediumand Healer Deborah Hendrickson. She gives us a close up look into her journey to becomingan intuitive counselor and medium and one of the most sought after readers around. As abeliever that we all have abilities, Deborah seeks to educate people and guide them to discovertheir own inherent power and be their own healer and guide. We also discuss the practice ofmediumship and how it can provide peace and closure for those who have lost loved ones. Wetalk about how it works and that not all mediums, and psychics for that matter, are createdequal. Deborah Hendrickson, born in Baltimore, MD, grew up in Chattanooga, TN, and now resides in the beautiful and magical mountains of Western North Carolina. Deborah hails from a lineage of psychics, mediums, and healers. After growing up working to suppress her abilities, and trying to live a 'normal life,'  Deborah couldn't ignore what was truly her purpose in life. After many year